And a Crappy New Year! (January Mini-Rants)

“Twenty - Twenty Four” For what?

Thanks, I’ll keep them in mind. I hope I won’t have to make the trip, though.

A man walks into a bar and says, “I’ll have a Corona and two hurricanes.” The bartender replies, “That’s $20.20.”

I took one of my cats to PVSEC last year for chemo. Unfortunately, it wasn’t successful (I lost her in October) but the vet and the staff there were amazing. I’m fortunate to only live about 25 minutes away.

I know the guy who founded PVSEC. That modern, beautiful building full of state of the art equipment? Anthony Pardo started as a traveling surgeon. Veterinarians would hire him to come to their practice to do specialty surgeries. He brought everything he needed with him. He made enough in a couple of years to found PVSEC!

Sorry for your loss.

I hate sauce of all sorts. If I want my sandwich wet I’ll dump my drink on it.
Fucking Panera got me with mayo yesterday. I swear they only screw it up when I get it to go and don’t notice until I’m miles away. I cannot understand why anyone thinks it’s a great idea to slather fat all over their food.

Which reminds me that a local place I frequent got me last week. I ordered the special - a BLT and chicken wrap and made sure no mayo. No problem at all since they don’t put mayo on it! It comes drenched in ranch dressing! :face_vomiting:

It could be worse. I’ve had ribs that were so dry… the only thing on it was some rub and a miniature steer skull tooth-picked to one end…

Yeah, proper cooking is key. Meat shouldn’t be so overcooked that the only recourse is to moisten it with some nasty goo.

Um, a “BLT and chicken” sandwich is a club sandwich. Traditionally it has mayo, though ranch isn’t uncommon (I personally prefer mayo over ranch, ranch is too strong and covers up the flavor of the ingredients). But why don’t they just call it a club sandwich?

We saw the movie, Encanto, when it came out on Disney+. It is a great movie. I love it.

What I don’t love is that I’ve had songs from it stuck in my head basically continuously ever since. Why are the songs so catchy? I can’t dislodge them to save my life.

(We don’t talk about Bruno, no no no)

Maybe because it was a wrap?

ETA: Easiest way to get it dry is to ask for all condiments “on the side.”

Aka, a club wrap. Even Arby’s has one.

You make a good point. There is no flaw with it. The problem that I have is that my wife loves to order take out food from some restaurants that have some really odd marinades for their ribs.

They seem to work well when there is sauce on the meat. Dry, however, all that funky marinade taste comes out as a flavor that I just don’t like, especially on a $25 entree. The result is that I just don’t order ribs anymore. Truthfully, the best solution would be if a better rib place opened up… but that’s a pipe dream. I can hear it now, “You know son #2 only likes portuguese garlic shrimp and son#1 only likes the chicken.”

Its the same reason I can never have any toppings on pizza. “You know everybody else likes it plain. Why are you so selfish?”

I like to make and eat cream cheese. To make it, you gently cook and stir milk and cream and other stuff for a while and then put it in a cheese cloth bag and hang the bag over a bowl or sink for a couple of days to culture and drain.

I started some yesterday and got up this morning to find out that our jerkface kitten had gotten on the forbidden counter and chewed a hole in the bag so he could gorge himself on the very soft cheese. Not only did he ruin the cheese, he got it all over his fur, totally fucked up the kitchen counters and floor and then puked all over the living room floor.

I sure hope the little asshole survives to grow into a cat. Kittens are horrible, I’m so glad hubs is vaccinated so I don’t have to buy another one.

Thanks! Made me laugh out loud and I needed to.

GG can come live with me and my 3 :black_cat::cat2::black_cat: til he’s matured. I almost promise to give him back.

You don’t want that little fucking asshole, really you don’t.

I forgot to mention the best part…being concerned about the little jerk getting blocked because he was chewing fabric and loose fibers because of course critter health issues always happen at the most expensive time possible (night, weekend, three day fucking weekend), I couldn’t just wipe up the puke, I had to look at it and pick out the threads so I could see if most of them were in or out. He just took a dump and I had to look that over too.

I really hope he survives kittenhood. He’s very lucky we don’t let him go outside so he can fall off the roof or get stuck in a tree. The little idiot already wants to play with our yard hawk.

Seven foot tall, rats along his back…

I’m with you.

What did you expect? Those songs were written by Lin-Manuel Miranda! Of course they’re going to be catchy.

I’m sure your kitten already has a name, but given that he acts like a drunken college student from Delta House, I say that you should call him “Senator Blutarski”.