This is one of the best short scifi films I’ve ever seen - at only 3 minutes long, I can’t really describe the plot without giving too much away. But take a look - it’s really quite awesome. And I Refuse To Forget | MetaFilter
Oh THAT was a good use of a couple of minutes.
Is there some sort of magic to get it to load? I’ve gone to the link in both IE 6 and FireFox 5, and all of the text loads around a nice blank space where I presume the film should be. Any tips?
Great short and what an interesting concept. Bravo!
I couldn’t get the OP’s link to work either, but I found it on YouTube.
That was…interesting, if a bit confusing.
Click the picture below the blank space.
That - is cool.
Thanks, Swallowed My Cellphone, that worked.
Interesting concept, executed well. The only thing that lessened my enjoyment was that listening to people whisper annoys the shit out of me.