Sabertooth Salmon!
Nine feet of killery salmon!
Sabertooth Salmon!
Nine feet of killery salmon!
Mmmm…ancient sushi…
Moving this to MPSIMS like you asked.
Get back to me when you find a sabretooth squirrel.
The box jellyfish that will kill you by skin contact. And the best thing about: it’s found in the seas around my country.
The siberian salamander.
They can survive a deep freeze - sadly no saber tooth variety though.
Here’s a description of the already mentioned Chinese water deer, but it’s funnier than Wiki. Scroll to #3
OOOO look at the Caucasian Shepherd, I so want one! Yes the puppies are cute fluffballs, and the adults have fangs, but it looks like it would be a great companion animal when properly trained. I bet it is strong enough that it could stand there while I used it to help me stand up if I fell down!
Creepy. Look at #4. Now look at the caption on the Youtube video. It doesn’t say, “What does a fox sound like?” or “Do foxes makes sounds?” No, it has the exact same wording (slightly odd sounding) as the song. Can you change titles after they’ve been posted?
Band name!
Thith way fellowth! We mutht swim upthream for thpawning theathon! Up the waterfallth! Watch out for thabertooth bearth.
Times like this make me wish we had like buttons here. I lol’d.
Found in the Caribbean, Canary Islands, and Western Aus… ahh FFS guys! I bet it’s six feet long, too. There’s something in the sea. Watching.
I lol’d at work about this. And I probably read it a dozen times and laughed each time.
Forget about Drop-bears, we had the Thylacoleo carnifex
A big marsupial ‘lion’ that was almost certainly an ambush predator, had an insanely strong bite, large stabbing incisors, huge molars that formed long shearing blades and retactable ‘switchblade’ claws used to grapple or disembowel prey. :eek:
Carnifex - butcher or executioner. Literally, something like “maker of flesh.” Also translates to “stay the hell away!”
Oh! Er, well done then! Carry on!
“massive carnassial cheekteeth”
Not a phrase you see every day.