And now the lies start with Arnold

First, Davis was not personally responsible for the increase to your vehicle fees. Second, if you don’t like paying incresed vehicle fees then overturn Prop 13 and get a sane system of property taxation which is actually in line with property values. Finally, if you didn’t want Davis to be governor, then you–and by you I mean California–should have voted him out in the last regular election instead of falling for this sore-loser Republican plot to steal power that they couldn’t win legitimately (see also Texas redistricting).

The OP is wrong from the get go. The lies started om day two of the campaign, when Arnie claimed he couldn’t hear questions about releasing his tax returns

You’re upset that actors and politicians might be less than fully truthful?

I’d like to see proof of this. The tax on car registration went up threefold, NOT the registration fees themselves. It would be very hard to TRIPLE your registration fees JUST based on taxes alone.


The big question is if Arnold was trying to claim he had a long history of being a politcally-aware citizen, why would he associate himself with Nixon? In light of this, it can’t be a lie.

You do know that Nixon did some good things, right? He did some terrible and shitty things as well, like create the EPA, but that was after the timeframe Arnold is talking about.

I see that sanity is still eluding you, Brutus. :slight_smile:

So, BogieBlanca, was the OP a lie? Was it your first lie on the SDMB, or have there been others?

It doesn’t matter whether Nixon was a good president or not, but he’s percieved as a scoundrel by the public, so a man seeking public office would avoid connecting himself in any way to him. Duh.

Scuse me a moment waving hand but last time I checked, there are many people who would disgree with such a sweeping statement. I’m one of that public who views Nixon as a very good President that sadly, allowed paranoia to be the root of his undoing.

Some people remember Nixon’s dog, Checkers, and Pat’s cloth coat, as opposed to more recent Oval Office occupants who are remembered for ‘wagging the dog’, and a semen stained dress.

If I need scroundrel models, most of the 1990’s leap to mind.

Actually, he is. It’s HIS solution to the budget crisis, which he’s now shying away from because of the uproar.

And as for the paultry taxes collected as a result of the heinous Prop. 13, we had a record surplus when Davis took office, leading me to believe that the revenue side of the equation is OK.

After 5 years of Davis, we’re in the shit (38 billion dollars in the hole, which Davis lied about in his campaign). It’s an issue of mismanagement. Davis should have resigned and helped the party.

Thank you.

Actually, that’s one of my major US media pet peeves. Most European countries don’t have a two party system (well, effectively two party, you know what I mean), and their government coalitions vary per election. As such, one cannot describe them as socialist per se, even though the current government might be partially socialist (a term which usually means “labour party”, but I digress).

I see my own country labeled as “socialist” all the time, even though the Labour Party (let alone the much smaller actual Socialist Party) hasn’t been in the government for almost 1.5 years now. Our current government is comprised out of Conservatives, Democrats, and Christian Democrats - it’s slightly right-of-the-middle, on a European political scale at least.

So, stop calling all of Europe “socialist”, stoopid American journalists.

This of course does not apply to smart American journalists, who DO take the trouble of actually checking what coalition is reigning now.

Well, for those who are interested, a Lexis/Nexis search has uncovered the transcript of the Bill O’Reilly interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger, from The O’Reilly Factor, May 25, 2001. I can’t provide a link, because Lexis/Nexis is a subscription-only service.* Here’s a quote from the interview:

I’ll leave people to make their own determination about whether or not this means Arnie is a liar.

[* If you have access to Lexis/Nexis, do the following:

  1. Go to “Guided News Search”
  2. In News Category, select “News Transcripts”
  3. Select “All Transcripts”
  4. In the first search term, put “o’reilly”
  5. In the second search term, put “schwarzenegger”
  6. Narrow the date range to “Last five years”]

Well, you certainly proved that to be true.


Which would make you Commies, over here. But in this case, it’s not American journalists calling Austria socialist…it’s Arnold.

Well, Reeder’s link referenced an LA Times article calling Austria “a Socialist country”. I don’t suppose Arnie wrote that himself.

And he doesn’t say that the government was socialist (though it may have been in '68 for all I know), just that what he heard from Humphrey reminded him of the socialism he’d seen in Austria.

Ah-nold’s problem isn’t that he’s been lying, the problem is he has a one-track mind. He’s at his best when he can answer questions with dialog from his movies but he gets flustered when he has to think. Ask how he feels about something and his reaction is “does not compute!”

And here I thought that California was a representative democracy. I didn’t realize Davis ruled by fiat, commanding increases in vehicle registration fees from his keep. Was there no vote in the legislature on this issue?

How much of the deficit can be laid at the feet of the Bush administration?

I am heartened by reports I’ve seen from various sources that Californians are wearying of the recall nonsense in its entirety, and that Arnold is trailing the lite guv something fierce.

By ‘watching debate’ he could very well have meant watching the DEBATE on their platforms/policies in media, on news shows. Anything. It doesn’t have to mean he watched them both sit there arguing with each other face to face. Just like CNN, MSNBC, etc. always debate various ideals from different candidates. This is still a debate, even though it doesn’t involve the actual parties.

I’m sure what he is getting at is he compared the 2 different ideologies that each candidate presented… And chose the Republican platform based on what it represented.

Yes Tars Tarkas, he is an immigrant. Not an illeagal alien.