And the first winner of the Jack Dean Tyler Golden Foreskin award is....

A collection of links to the insanity of Jack Dean Tyler can be found in this thread. As with a Slurpee, you should be careful not to take in too much too fast, lest you get terrible headaches.

<sneaks in>
<reads thread, especially Shayna’s posts. [sub]“scrumptious”?!?[/sub] >
<looks down>
<decides to sneak out again>
<leaves quietly>

Well, until seeing the “my peaceful tower” comment from cg, my vote would have gone to Chronolicht. However, I now believe that curious george deserves to bring home the gold! Congrats!

BTW, has anyone told him about this singular honor that has been bestowed upon him?

BWAAAHAHAHAHA!! That is TOO hilarious! I definitely don’t get enough foreskin in my diet, but let’s be honest here… can a girl ever get enough? :wink:

<bowing> Thank you, thank you. :smiley:

<wishes he was on his way over here>
<curses the distance between us>
<checks calendar and counts the days 'til October 19th>


Oh. It’s Only a Model. :smiley:
My apologies, Fenris, I assumed that you must have used your own. I mean, anybody who’s ever read ANY of JDT’s posts knows that he doesn’t have his.

Though after reading through some of the stuff I hadn’t seen before…I think they didn’t cut nearly enough off of poor Jack. I think he’d be happier with no penis at all. :rolleyes:


Who knows, foreskin and seven beers ago
curious george might have been rational.
Now he reminds me of that Far Side deer
with the big bullseye target on his chest.
“Bummer of a birthmark”, george.

I try to stay far away from all the political bloodbath threads, so I had no idea about this side of Chas.E. The only contact I’ve ever had with him has been in GQ, where his posts about all things photographic are clear, patient and knowledgeable. In those he’s been a model SDMB poster. Try not to tar him as a complete loonytoon based on this one uhh… extreme side of his posting behaviour. I’d hate to see him leave or melt down and get banned.

Oh my, that would be a shame.

But he lovingly cherishes it’s memory every day.

And, actually I don’t have mine, either. The Sadistic Butcher that is the Mohel removed mine, thus also destroying MY life at the behest of the Male Genital Mutilators, the [sub]Jews![/sub]

Forskinless Fenris

Ah … he lives on in all of us. If you don’t believe me I have these un-retouched photos of my aura, which plainly show full-size billboards proclaiming such, and which are obviously the work of fourth dimension uber-beings.

The thing is, he faded away on us, but having never been actually banned, I thought he was still eligible for cash prizes.

[sub]…wheeze-cough…wheeze-cough…[/sub] Ok, stop, puh-leeze somebody stop this thread… My friggin’ sides hurt. COME ON, I’m trying to get some work done here… [sub]tug ahoy[/sub] bwahahahahah… oh geez…

So…how are you doing? :smiley:

thanks, by the way, for posting the “Tug-a-hoy” [sup]TM[/sup] link.

I sent it to my SO, who, prior to this has always come back with a witty retort. this time, he said simply:


Everyone, let’s give a hand to ol’ Spiny “Scrumptious Foreskin” Norman!

I’m really just a series of long distance photos manipulated to look like a monster.

Dammit…forgot to put in the rest of my post…

While seethruart is pretty psycho, he was an obvious troll, so I don’t think he deserves any consideration for an award, however crazy he is.

You know, when their powers combine, they make Captain Conspiracy

And gee, I wonder if that will name will end up a sock puppet down the line…