As I posted in this pit rant my contract for my job ends on July 1st. That was pretty sad news when I got it.
Now comes the real pisser. Yesterday I lost my job. They were cutting back for the lack of calls coming into the center, blah blah blah. Needless to say I am looking for a job now. Of course this is all compounded by my wife, myself and my roommate losing our apartment and having to find one on short notice. It’s be a bad couple of days. sigh
I have posted my resume and what not to various job sites (,, Yahoo Employment), so hopefully something will come of it. If anyone has any other ideas about where to find jobs on the net, or knows of anything in the Houston area let me know.
Gee, Rob, that bites. If you were in Florida, I’d suggest you apply with my company. It’s strictly internal customer support…for a really great company that isn’t going away any time soon. We should be hiring 4 techs in the next 2-3 months, I’m told.
My bro’s out of work right now (laid-off, too); and many of us have been there in the past. It’s a tough thing to go through, especially when it comes out of the blue. One of the biggest things to remember is (and my brother’s biggest issue) – don’t put anything off. If there’s a letter to write, a call to make, a resume to polish off, do it now. It’s too easy to get caught up in other stuff, or just taking it easy when you don’t have to get up early.
So, get out of that Clan MacLeod Tartan bathrobe, put on a fresh kilt, and GO GET 'EM!!!
I remembered the address from a billboard in Edinburgh. I haven’t perused it yet so I don’t know what it’s like or if as the name suggests it’s for temps? Might be worth a look.
Best of luck
Man, that sucks. Your life sounds like a bad country and western song (Ya need to work in prison and/or trucking in there somewhere.)
[gratuitous advice]As soon as you possibly can, file for unemployment so you can at least get some money coming in. There are also some good IT temp services out there, try Adecco; it’s where NghtCrwlr found his current job. Speaking from experience, temping is up there with, well, McDonald’s workers on the status scale, but it’s income and contacts, and often, it can lead to a great permenant job.[/gratuitous advice]
::MsRobyn tosses an expensive bottle of Scotch at robgruver to cheer him up::