And Today's Dumbass Telemarketer Award Goes To...

…the genius who call me up today and asked for “Debbie” (we get that fairly often…she must’ve had our number in the past).

“I’m sorry, there’s nobody here by that name.”

“Ok, what would be a good time to reach her then?”

:smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack:

Well dang Hal. Ya coulda been a little more cooperative. I mean, it’s obvious since Debbie once had your number that you must know her. Why didn’t you and the telemarketer agree on a time for him to call her? I mean, since you know her you have her new number, right? Then you could have called Debbie up to let her know that the telemarketer will be calling her at the agreed upon time so she could be home to take the call.

Sheesh man! Have a little consideration for somebody trying to make an honest living. :rolleyes:

Ok, so he gets the :wally of the month award.

Back in the days when people still got TV Guide, my grandma ordered her subscription under a pseudonym (it was a ridiculous name, too.) She got tons of junkmail and telemarketing calls for that name and it made it quick and easy to throw away or hang the phone up.

My dad also put his second phone line under an equally ridiculous name and got junkmail and telemarketing calls for that person.

They even got credit cards in the mail “approved” for these fake people.

Right. :dubious:
Hal, if you’re going to get drunk, dress in drag, and give out your phone numbers at the local les-bars, you should at least have the decency to own up to it when they call.

Well, I *know * it’s not that!

I go by “Cassandra” there, thankyouverymuch. :stuck_out_tongue: