Andros, your PC thread-policing is entirely unnecessary

OK, you’re not a bitch; you’re a cur. A cur, I tell you!

OK, OK, I understand now that he’s a bit of right-winger, hence the label “PC” won’t stick. But he was being a bitchy little thread cop, swatting wrists with his ruler and calling “Cite!” like an old maid teacher.

Perhaps you’re right. Thus far, just Miller and Liberal to represent the truly fuckheaded right. I don’t participate in many of the political whingings of the board, so I am ignorant in many cases. Ignorant, I tell you!

I don’t know–can you read?

Yeah, it’s like: What if they gave a Pitting and no one came?

That’s THREE for the fuckheaded right! Yippee!

You are allll my bitches!

Just wanted to chime in and say that this is a thing of beauty.

Also, Aeschines’ reading comprehension in this thread seems to match his in the linked thread.

Just for the record, I’m pretty sure I’m not part of the “fuckheaded right”.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

OK, then I’ll put you down as a dim-bulb centrist.

Miller is in no way a right-wing parrot; in fact, I’ve generally thought his positions lean left. Guy must be doing something—like actually thinking for himself—correctly. And I don’t even particularly like the guy, yet I feel compelled to defend him against your, in my opinion, misplaced charges against his character.

Liberal is no extreme right wing nut either. He opposes nearly everything the current administration promotes, and most of what the Republican party has practiced going back to at least Nixon. Liberal is pretty staunchly libertarian—in the classical meaning of the word (as his moniker implies); the way Camille Paglia was using it when she said:

And in fact, Liberal goes further and his provenance as libertarian can be seen in Patrick Henry’s use of the term, “liberty” when he (Henry, not Liberal, Liberal’s not that old) and fought for the effectuation of liberty for all U.S. citizens by championing the Bill of Rights in the Virginia Convention for the ratification of the Constitution.

andros is much of the same mold as Liberal, with perhaps a slightly more left slant on social issues. I kinda think of andros as our Paul Kurtz. He advocates a truly free society which would strive greatly to develop a genuine and useful social conscience.

It shows. But my question then would be, why sling the accusations if you’re unsure of their validity?

I don’t see your logic there. If he leans left, then he’s thinking for himself?

People who think correctly for themselves don’t just lean left–they are committed body and soul to the left.

My impression has simply been that he’s a rightwing fuckhead. That may change as he and I get to know each other better.

No, you’re correct. He’s just a totally fucking retarded libertarian. And libertarians are the very dregs of the political types. They blab more than anyone about things less realistic than anything with a chance of executing their fuct ideas somewhere below nothing.

OK, so he’s Liberal’s little bitch. Thanks for the synopsis.

I am justly chastened. But with your help I will soon have everyone pegged and be up to speed on what idiot supports what idiocy. TY!

Oh, I’m not sure a human lifetime is sufficient to accomplish that particular feat.

It would have to be a generational thing.

I thought the site was excellent.

No insult or joke that could be made about the OP would be more damning than that quote of his from the thread. Seriously, look at that site, and then feel sorry for the troglodyte that is Aeschines

Fuck you, man. I bear my soul and you stab me in the ventricle. You kick me in the balls when I’m down.

You and the lot of you are merciless scurvy dogs.

You were at one point up? I must have looked away for a minute.

Ty who? Ty Webb?

“Don’t be so hard on yourself, judge. You’re a tremendous slouch.”

Get a beard man. And get some pussy, you sorry-ass fuck. Try getting laid for once, it’ll do you good.

In case you hadn’t noticed, in that very thread I revised my opinion about that site. This is called “thinking”–try it sometime. You think one thought, then you think another. When the thoughts conflict, you have to change. This is called Hegelian dialectic.

Try it sometime; it’ll do you good.

You snooze, you lose. That’s why I got you sorry-ass fuckers whipped!

I have to ask: exactly what positions, political or social, do I hold that you believe to be conservative, right-wing, or aligned with the mainstream beliefs of the Republican party. Be specific, please! Heck, while you’re at it, why don’t you do the same for Liberal? I think the only political beliefs we have in common is that George W. is a disgrace to the Oval Office. I’m just dyin’ to hear how we came to be lumped together in the cavernous, brain-free zone that is the interior of your skull.

Yar! Best ye batten down yer hatches! Yer in fer a rough boarding action, and no mistake! I’ve not seen sich a thorough keel-haulin’ since Cap’n Morgan caught that wretch pilferin’ from ‘is personal keg o’ grog! A right gruesome fate, 'twas his, infamous fer a generation along the Spanish Main!

I thought you didn’t swing that way.

It takes two to tango. My place or yours?

Already got a date.

Holy cow. Saying that you’re “ignorant” is like saying Pol Pot had “a bit of a temper.”

Did you really just say that Miller represents “the right?” What a collossal fucking imbecile you are! I’d be dumb-struck if it were coming from anyone else, but the sad part is that that’s far from the stupidest thing you’ve “written” on this message board.