For at least two decades I have been fascinated with National Geographic Magazine. I’ve read it cover to cover for years and I name reading NAT GEO as one of my favorite pastimes each month.
This month there is an interesting article on Animal Minds. The magazine highlights several species of animals from the famed African Grey Parrot Alex, to dolphins, elephants and border collies. They study their cognition and emotions and test their ability to solve and manipulate complex, high order tasks. It’s a remarkable article and it brings to light a lot of questions about animal testing. Now I’m not going t spout out PETA slogans, as I am one of their harshest critics and I completely deplore their tactics. They are basically a terror organization in my mind, so I’d like to keep the animal testing questions away from PETA folks and their nastiness.
I wonder how humans would react if they found that the animals they were testing had the same emtions we as humans had. I know this question is by-in-large hypothetical but would we continue to test on live animals if we found that they felt pain the same way we did. Or if they reacted to confinement the same way we do i.e prison inmates, hospital rooms etc…etc… I wonder if we are testing across different industries on animals who are depressed or neurotic. Are they just organic drones to be poked, prodded and killed?
What is your stance on animal cognition from your own personal interactions with your dogs, cats, wildlife?
What do you think about animal testing? Would you let a company test your cat, dog, snake, chinchilla?
If we can’t test on live animals what would we test on? Death row inmates?