Animals Fighting

Is it illegal to make animals fight? In what countries is it legal?

How much would 20 monkeys, a tiger, a cage, animal trainers, and 20 hammers cost?

In the UK, many blood sport are banned in many cases, in particular in the cases of bull and bear baiting, cockfighting and probably other ‘sports’ are banned, but foxhunting is still allowed (although that isn’t just animals fighting, but people on horses leading the hunt), and other types of hunting are allowed. I got this from here:, referring to blood sports in general.

Dog fighting is another banned sport in the UK, as well.

I suspect that most ‘civilised’ countries would have similar rules against getting animals to fight, and with good reason IMO. However, I don’t know the specifics, and different countries will have varying approaches to this sort of thing.

That link seems to be broken. In any case, you’d need to revise your comment about foxhunting slightly - it’s illegal too in some parts of the UK.

If you allow hunting of one animal by another there are numerous places where it is legal, and various types of animal that can be hunted legally.

Bullfighting is legal in Spain, Mexico and parts of southern France, but of course it doesn’t involve pitching animals against one another. Several species of dogs were originally bred for fighting - either each other or different animals (especially bulls and bears), but although this does still happen, I don’t think it’s legal anywhere.

In spite of attempts to ban it, cockfighting is legal in the USA (in Louisiana, New Mexico, and Oklahoma), Thailand, the Philippines and parts of Latin America.

Cock-fighting and dog-fighting are both illegal in most (in fact I think it’s all, but I’m not sure about the Northern Territory) Australian states. In NSW, it isn’t just the person staging a dog or a cock fight who is prosecuted; those attending are also subject to a fine of up to $5500/six months gaol.

In Panama we enjoy cock fighting. I have a system, I bet on the blue one.

In Spain we attend the bullfights.

While I realize such sports are no longer PC, they are a tie to my culture and to a primative time. The showing of bravery, grace under pressure, in the face of a bull is quite a sight. Cockfighting (like horse and dog racing) are much the same, a wonderful animal doing what he was meant to do.

Bloody? Yes. Beatiful, also in a way.

The link works, but a comma got caught up in the link, I’ll repost it so it should work:
As for foxhunting being banned in Scotland, I admit I’m wrong on that, I had forgotten about the Scottish Parliament.

Cocks were not meant to wear metal spurs. :rolleyes:

AFAIK, animal fights are banned in France. However, bullfights are legal in the areas (southern France) where it is traditionnal. The bull is killed in french bullfights (like in Spain, but contrarily to Portugal).