Anna Nicole judge cited for smoking dope in public park


I’m speechless.

After the circus surrounding the death of an unimportant person like ANK, a little recreational herbage was just what the judge needed. He could have been a bit more careful about his location for said activities, but the usage is ok in my book.

It wasn’t the Crying Judge (we had a Hanging Judge, why not a Crying Judge?), although that might’ve explained a few things.

Damn, the law coming down on him must’ve been a buzzkill.

I totally don’t have a problem with him smoking a little dope – but wtf, in a public park?

Indeed. :smiley:

He wanted to extend his chapter in the book just a few more pages.

Bbbbut, it was medicinal marijuana! It says right here “For full benefit, smoke in park while sitting under a tree.”
I really expected it to be Crying Judge. It might explain things.