Annoying Things People Do

I know it’s been done before, but I think a lot of us are itching to vent our frustrations again. So here it is, the list of really annoying things people do (feel free to add to it):

  1. Ask you for high fives.

  2. Use phrases like “Don’t leave me hanging!” upon not receiving a high five.

  3. Use bulky, loud, expensive electric pencil sharpeners instead of the little plastic things that actually require hand movement. :eek:

  4. Mumble when they eat (tell me I’m not alone on this one!)

  5. Leave lights on when nobody’s in the room.

  6. Ov:)eru:Dse s:cool:mil;)ies

  7. Complain it’s too cold when the temperature drops below 60[sup]o[/sup]

  8. Complain it’s too hot when the temperature rises above 75[sup]o[/sup]

  9. Write with hard-to-read gel pens on white paper

  10. Imitate baby talk to small children (they’re supposed to be learning normal English, folks!)

  11. Insist that everything needs to be in a neat, organized order.

  12. Talk when you’re trying to listen to something important.

  13. Pretend to know more than they actually do.

  1. Forget to Opalize #3

Actually, I think that “Hi Opal!” thing is a bit annoying.

Give me a good reason for it and maybe it won’t be…but so far all I can tell is that it’s a thing for people to do to show that they waste too much time here on this board.

But hey, the next person can come along and say: “It’s annoying when people are annoyed by the annoying thing I do just because they’re not cool enough to understand how cool I am.”

I’m cool with that.

Are you talking about babies or five-year-olds?

Because I’ve seen a study that said that “baby talk” is exactly what babies need at that point to start building language skills.

  1. Baby Talk is definately up there. Never used it (2 kids). Never will.
  2. Brothers who NEVER turn up on time.
  3. People who need two dooners and then throw one of them onto me in the middle of the night.
  4. Annoying people who are annoyed by the annoying things I do.
  5. Lists with less than three items.
  6. People who use acronyms (alphabetisms) when I don’t know WTF they mean.
  7. People who hit the enter key at the end of a sentence (ala typewriter) when using a word processor.
  8. People who use flock and punt instead of the real words designed for that reason.
  9. Even Numbered Lists
  10. Dumb shits that send me every piece of not-funny email that they ever get in the fricken (breaks rule #8) including 15Mb videos of dancing fucking (unbreaks rule #8) babies.
  11. SPAM. Both SPAM spam and SPAM.

Caught@Work, what’s a dooner (Oz term I suppose)? My first guess would be a down pillow or quilt.

The Opal thing is a bit annoying, IMHO. Especially when it’s done by people who never participated in the thread it originated from or who actually have more than two things to list.

#3 Hi, dead horse! :smiley:

I find people with no sense of humor really annoying. Particularly those that don’t laugh at my jokes…


I can not get pencil neatly sharpened with a hand sharpener; I like my electric one, but I line-dry my clothes for the extra energy points.
I never turn room lights out, but I do use the low enery bulbs (see dryer above).
Baby-talk is fascinating; parents EXCEL at speaking in a tone and with a vocabulary just BEYOND the child’s comprehension so as to spur verbal development (mothers, studies show, are better than fathers statistically, but both are better that non-parents.) I think that older people imitating the sounds a baby makes teaches the infant what the sound sounds like, if you follow me.

Dancing fucking babies? Oh yeah, isn’t that legal in America now due to that virtual child pornography thing? :eek:

Actual, I would find it annoying that everyone on this board constantly misinterprets the word “fucking” to comic effect, but being as my wit doesn’t coruscate that much, I have to beat a dead horse in an attempt to be humorous…

  1. Drive too damn slow in front of me.

  2. Park in my covered parking space on the one day I decide I’m actually going to use my spot.

  3. I find the Hi, Opal! thing annoying as well (and yes, I realise the irony of my placement of this particular annoyance).

  4. Breathe. :smiley:

I love the Hi, Opal! thing. I wasn’t there for the original, but it has spread like a virus.

Baby talk… to pets!

  1. People whose mommies never taught them to chew with their mouths closed. I don’t want to see your meal, and if I’m sitting with my back to you halfway across the room I don’t want to hear your meal, either.

  2. People who stand in a looooonggg line, jabbering away with a friend, and then, when they get to the counter, say, “Hmm. . . what do I want?” I have an idea; why don’t you go to the back of the line and think about it?

  3. My studen loan company, which, every freakin’ semester sends me a letter that says, “We assume that you graduated/dropped out at the end of the semester, so time to start paying off the loan!” Does anticipated degree date mean anything to you people? And why do I have to call them to get them to call my school to confirm that I’m still enrolled? Can’t they just say, “Hmm, sez here that Podkayne has been enrolled in a PhD program and Whatsamaddafuh U for five years and a half years and her anticipated degree date is half a year away. Think maybe she’ll enroll next semester, too? Let’s call and find out!”

  4. Spam and viruses. I’m now getting more spam and messages with no text, just attatchments, than I get real mail from human beings. I’m starting to get seriously depressed about it.

  1. I also hate how my last two paragraphs invariably get mashed together. I this some kind of a bug?

Hm, I don’t get it, Alice…

People who barge into elevators without letting its occupants out first

Same for people who barge onto the bus before its passengers have stepped off.

People who say, “I could care less” instead of “I couldn’t care less”

People who say, “You can’t have your cake and eat it, too” when meaning “You can’t EAT your cake and HAVE it, too”

People who, you know, whatever they are, you know, talking about feel that they have to, you know, say “You know”, you know.

My top five.

  1. People who stand in doorways or other places where it is obvious they are causing an obstruction. They are on their way out of a busy store, and where do they stop for a little ‘where-now’ ponder? Right in the frigging door, apparently unaware that there are other people in the world. Or they are using the underground / metro / trains that run under the surface, and having reached platform level they figure it’s a great idea to just stand there, blocking that particular entrance/exit. Often with masses of luggage.

  2. People with little kids who don’t control them or look after them in public. Newsflash: I don’t want your chocolate-smeared toddler brat crashing into my knees from behind when I’m out shopping. You wanted kids? Fine. Take on the responsibility.

  3. Spam, junk mail and every kind of unsolicited sales hype. Way more than enough already. Can’t we just make it illegal? Why not?

  4. Gross lack of punctuality. Okay, let’s not be Draconian. Life is complex, transport fails, sometimes you can’t help being a bit late. But there are so many people these days whose idea of “7 for 7.30” seems to be 9.45pm. What kind of time warp goes on in these minds? And what exactly is so hard about noting the time, factoring in how long from ‘Where I am’ to ‘Where I’m going’ and getting it roughly right?

  5. Corporate phone culture: call waiting muzak, telephone trees, automated voices etc. etc. All I want is for a person to answer and say ‘Hi’, ask my question, get my answer. What is so ‘cost-saving’ about pissing off everyone who rings in?