Annoying things your SO has done lately

Annoyingly parking his jeep too close to the house, so I have to walk around it to get out. Well, he won’t be doing that again. I reached in and started the engine - expecting to jump in and back it out. Nope, it was in gear and instead of jerking to a stop it drove forward, hooking me along with it, narrowly missing the soakaway pit and wedging into the back fence.

Soakaway pit? I don’t know what that is, but I think I want one. I assume from your post the car isn’t supposed to be in it. What is?

Soak away pit bothered me as well. Apparently it is BritSpeak for a drywell, a way of passively dealing with unwanted water.

She: “How about going out for dinner?”
Me: “OK, where do you want to go?”
She: “Where do YOU want to go?”
Me: “How about X?”
She: “No, I don’t like X.”
Me: “How about Y?”
She: “No, I don’t like Y.”
Me: OK, how about Z?"
She: “No, I don’t like Z.”
Me: “OK, you pick then.”
She: “You ALWAYS make me decide!”

What’s the problem? :slight_smile:

I would start interpreting it as an offer: “Oooh, I’d love Thai please, thanks!”

Well, we’re separated now, but try this on for size.

Smoking in the garage and NEVER emptying the ashtray. Ashes and butts all piling up underneath until I can’t stand it and clean it my(non-smoking)self.

Empty threats to the kids: "If you don’t blah, blah, blah, I’m going to take away your “_______” and nothing ever happening.

Leaving the new toilet roll on the counter instead of taking 5 fucking seconds and putting it on the roll.

Hitting the snooze button sometimes 4, 5, 6 times before getting up when I didn’t need to wake up until later.

actually complaining that she worked all day doing laundry. (You put clothes in the washer. 20 minutes later you put them in the dryer. An hour later you fold them and put them away. There’s LOTS of downtime in between loads.)

Insisting on "meat, potatoes, and vegetable for every meal: no casseroles, no stews, no homemade soups, no ANYTHING but meat, potatoes, and vegetable. And the vegetable was always either steamed carrots, or crappy Caesar salad. Nothing else. Ever.

Taking responsibility for paying the bills, and not paying them.

Calling me every day at work asking when I’d be home. “Same time as every day!” Repeated every God damned day.

Insisting that we went to bed together at the same time every night, even if I was either exhausted or felt like staying up for a bit.

Insisting that everything gets rinsed (pretty much washed) before going in the DISHWASHER. Even though I pointed out that the manual said there was no reason for it for most food stuff.

Making me go out and buy her cigarettes. Yum.

All outdoor work was mine: everything, grass, gardens, pool, even including garbage and recycling.

Even though my commute to work was 2 hours, and hers was a half hour, I was the one making the kids’ lunches, getting them up, getting them on the bus, and then driving to work.

Even though she wouldn’t drink much, I had to be the DD for every single occasion. Not once did she EVER say, “you know what? You enjoy yourself and I’ll drive tonight.” Not once in 18 years.

Not once did I ever hear the words “I’m sorry” in 18 years.
I could go on.

I am messy and scattered with not much time off work, and what I free time I have, I’d rather use on doing something fun, not cleaning. He is as busy and as messy. We have an unspoken agreement not to moan at each other! (Mostly)

Love her I do. I’m the cook around here, but for her I will burn hamburgers to a near crisp. I’ll set mine aside on the grill so it still has a little flavor.

No prob.

We will do a frozen pizza once in a while, some are OK…But Honey, please don’t ever buy another zucchini, broccoli wheat crust frozen pizza.