Another Africa thread hijacked

No with any biological scientific validity, you couldn’t.

And there are no “studies” showing variations in intelligence among “racial groups.”


One could also search for the presence of boy cooties.

Every general-purpose messageboard is a haven for racists, I find, and many special-purpose messageboards as well. The only remedy is very strict moderation – much more strict than is found on most messageboards.

I have learned over the years to avoid those discussions as much as possible, precisely because of the ambiguity of this. What, precisely, is racism when put into this context? Does saying anything negative at all about Africa or African culture constitute racism? Can there possibly be a reasoned, rational discussion if people have to use “nambypamby-assed euphemisms” so that they are not accused of racism?

I understand that some comments are absolute indicators of racism, but at the same time the well has been so poisoned with regard to this topic that it seems like any sort of negative comment is deemed racism, and that accomplishes absolutely nothing.

This. You have eloquently summed up my position. I would also expand to say that all threads (not only the ones about Africa) could/should be reduced to the same-old, same-old wearisome discussion about the Bell Curve too.

It’s just that these racist assholes are not hijacking all threads about China/India/Germany/etc history/politics; they are just doing it for all black/Africa threads (simply due to the fact that these assholes are anti-black racist scum).

So, tangentially to them being racist assholes who push idiotic, 18th century, voodoo, race theories; if one holds that the above linked topic is “fair game” for these idiotic race theories, then all political/historical/world topics can/should be reduced to the same idiotic racist theories too.

It’s not because they’re anti-black. It’s because the Bell Curve theory makes it look like Asians are more intelligent than white people, and then they’d have to explain why China, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and so on are also poor.

In other words, if they talk about anything other than Africa and black people they’re going to destroy their own arguments.

It’s racist when beliefs are expressed about imagined biological inferiority, such as intelligence. Beliefs in innate, biological inferiority/superiority among “races” (a category without biological meaning in the first place) is, by definition, racist.

If they say racist things, they should be called out for it. Complaining about the use of the word “racist” is in itself PC whining. If you want frank language, take all of it.

IQ and the Wealth of Nations is a controversial 2002 book by Dr. Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, and Dr. Tatu Vanhanen, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland.[1] The book argues that differences in national income (in the form of per capita gross domestic product) correlate with differences in the average national intelligence quotient (IQ). The authors further argue that differences in average national IQs is one important factor, but not the only one, contributing to differences in national wealth and rates of economic growth.

I think you are giving these racist nose-measurers a level of foresight and reasoning that simply doesn’t exist. :wink:

All I, personally, can gather is that they are loud, delusional, preachy and committed.

Dio, looks like you choose to remain ignorant. No skin off my ass. I’ve fought well and can accept that sometimes ignorance remains.

By the way, chromosomes are one way to determine gender but by no means the only way.

No, this message board is a haven for people who like to call other people racists because they don’t think like the PC police who run around here.

Why can one determine a person’s race from his skeleton? Why can DNA evidence tell that someone who looks white is 1/32 black, or visa versa?

But the flip side of that is that critics of the IQ/race studies never seem to realize that they don’t put whites on top. “We’re number 2!” doesn’t seem like a racist’s rallying cry to me, but that’s what these critics would have you believe.

Not really. XXY? XO? XYY? X chromosomes carrying a translocated SRY region? There are lots of exceptions to the norm.

When someone calls me a racist I know I have won the argument, and ask, “What did I say that is not true?”

Well, I found that the ones that claim not to be are just another kind of ignorant*: the ones that follows crackpot theories.

So choose your poison.

*Racism IMHO is an special kind of willful ignorance

Nothing is stopping you from posting cites to back up your contentions about intelligence being variable across “racial groups.”

Chromosmes determine sex. Gender is is a different, and not synonomous concept. Sex has a biologically definitive meaning (even for the intersexed). “Gender” is about identification and social perception and has no purely objective biological meaning (though it obviously correlates highly with sex, that correlation is not 100%).

“Race” has only a social meaning, so purported biological analysis is nothing but pseudoscience.

What is true is that there is controversy about your say so’s so claiming that they are the whole truth is misleading.

I certainly don’t think so, however could just me. For example, while I thought the comments made by Bosda Di’Chi of Tricor were ignorant, not racist; others might take a similar argument to be ignorant and racist.

That said, there were arguments put forth that were also unambiguously racist. Use the force young one.