Brazil84 doesn't get what's wrong with the claim that majorities of sub-saharan africans are retards

And then he goes on to bring up widespread illiteracy in areas with virtually non-existent school systems as an argument for why.

Holy shit. This may be the most overtly racist douchenozzle I’ve ever seen on my travels through the internet. Please, Brazil, fuck off. This forum has enough stupid with just our republican minority, we don’t need retarded racist ratfuckers like you pissing up the place even further. Seriously, go back to fucking stormfront, you disgusting troll.

I’m sensing you don’t like brazil84 very much. Which, admittedly, is a rational position to hold.

The whole “illiteracy is a sign of low intelligence” thing is amazingly perverse; he clings to this argument despite several posters pointing out why it’s entirely wrong. I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with *his *genetic makeup.

No, I brought up widespread illiteracy in order to question even sven’s argument that simple observation is sufficient to conclusively refute any claim that Africans have very low intelligence.

Of course I expected idiots to wander in and misconstrue my argument, which you did – even though I made very clear I was not making the argument you pretended I made.

Rather than apologize, you now double down so I can only conclude that you intentionally misconstrued my argument.

You are lying scumbag. Welcome to my ignore list, liar.


:eek: pwned :eek:

This was a very stupid argument. You are a stupid person, though this is not actually news to any long-time Dopers.

Yay! Welcome to the club, BPC! One of us! One of us! Gooble gobble gooble gobble…

And you think that is less stupid than BPC’s accusation? That accusation you could at least have acknowledged and moved on from. “D’oh! You’re right, I didn’t think of the lack of schools!” Using it to question even sven’s argument on the other hand is just irredeemably stupid.

Wow, that makes it so much better.

Weird. Let’s review, shall we?

No, I’m sorry, if you can’t make your argument less oblivious, then it’s your fault when people misunderstand you. Of course, post 72 does not help your case:

You are directly providing the mass illiteracy as a reason that the claim made would be non-ludicrous. That is the only way to interpret this. You saying “this is not what I mean” doesn’t mean shit to me after something like that. Everything you say makes it very clear what you mean. You can say that I’m misconstruing your argument all you want, but your words are there. Even if I’ve gotten it wrong, guess what: everything else you’ve said and cop to means you’re still a stupid racist fuckbucket who needs to darwin himself out of existence. I mean, for fuck’s sake, you see nothing wrong with the claim that the average sub-saharan african is functionally retarded. What the hell is even wrong with you? Sure, go ahead. Split hairs over what exactly you’re arguing, but naita nailed it. No way you can twist this makes you look like less of a racist douchenozzle.

Well, given that you’ve blocked GIGObuster, I know I’m at least in good company.

In other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead!

For what it’s worth, the only reason I didn’t post the OP from that thread is because he’s apparently new. Brazil84, on the other hand, has no fucking excuse to be this much of a lying shitbag.

Maybe Brazil84 is a now-former GOP precinct chair from North Carolina in real life.

At this point, bra, wouldn’t a whitelist make more sense? No pun intended.

Another one on the ignore list? At this point there must be an echo following each and every one of brazil84’s posts.

brazil84 – in a vacuum, you might have a point.

But this isn’t a vacuum: there’s a perfectly plausible reason for the wide-spread lack of literacy in Africa.

Let’s consider 14-century England. There, too, we had widespread illiteracy – yet those people were pale as ghosts, comparatively, as well as being the ancestors of much of white America today. (My own ancestors were Spanish and/or Cuzcatlecs and likely illiterate as well, so I make no invidious distinctions here).

So – were the people of fourteenth century England also of low intelligence? Or do we assess their widespread illiteracy more generously?

Showing your age. :slight_smile:

[Garrett Morris]
[/Garrett Morris]

Or 21st century North Carolina, for that matter.

The main requirement for getting on brazil84’s ignore list is to be smarter than him, which sets the bar extraordinarily low. Unless we have a few developmentally disabled opossums posting here, it probably includes everyone else on the board.

I don’t think he’s ever said I’m on the list (I think it’s also placed online somewhere, but I’m not giving his blog the traffic…) I feel so left out. The racist doesn’t like me :frowning:

I’m honestly unsure why he’s not banned yet, besides “The moderators think hate speech against non-whites isn’t that big of a deal.”