Dear scamartistry:

Regarding your OP in GD, quoted below:

I’m sure you think you have artfully hidden your racism. You haven’t. Go eat a bag of flaming shit.

That is all.

I think **scamartistry **has some “challenged genes”. At least he’s honest in his username, though. He also thinks he has a talent for asking interesting questions. I would call that a "challenged’ view of himself. Or perhaps the reality is that he is age “challenged”.

I think he’s a Socko McSockitty. And an asshole.

some great and some less great inputs.

please enlighten me, where is the supposed racism in my question?
Does that then mean, that any inquiry dealing with races are intrinsically racist?

I think not.

I do not see the controversy, either this theory has some validity or it does not.Racism has nothing to do with it. I think most people would agree with that.

Please stick to the topic at hand, without knee-jerk responses when something doesnt come of as completely politically correct.

Yeah, the posting style is oddly familiar. Especially the request to keep to the topic at hand.

As of this post, he is the OP of the first four threads in GD.

Well, your ‘question’ implies that African people are stupid and Asians are smart (with Europeans being somewhere in the middle). It’s judging people based solely upon their race. That seems to meet the definition of racism.

Your OP in the other thread offers to provide more cites (which begs the question, “more than what?” since you didn’t provide any cites at all in your OP). Several people in that thread have asked you to provide those cites. You haven’t managed to do so, which leads me to believe that such cites don’t exist. Therefore, you’re pulling this ‘theory’ out of your own ass to support your racist beliefs.

Are you enlightened yet?

Yup. The style is very familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it. It’s right on the tip of my…sock.
The great part is, the topic at hand is that he or she is getting pitted for being a closet racist, if you can call it closet when the door is open and the light is on, and they’re saying 'Look at me, I’m in the closet, I’m far from Africa! I’m not racist, I’m distance-ist".

No, most people see this as a rehash of tired old racist arguments which use unsupported “facts” to justify an opinion that some races are better than others.

Yes, it is racist. You can argue that your racism is justified (“Blacks really are dumb!”), but it’s still racism.

The style is probably familiar because he’s a crazy person, and crazy people on the internet have a common and very distinctive writing style for some reason.

I thought it implied that Charlie Parker, Clarence Clemons, and Branford Marsalis were somehow inferior to “Anglo saxians.”

So, you’re saying that he’s not a racist - he’s a saxist?

Jesus h Christhopher

I read about this theory somewhere and wondered if anyone knew if there was any truth behind it. Fairly simple I would have hoped.

What exactly is the fuss about??

If you automatically become a racist for asking about the validity of a theory. Then I dont think the word racist means a whole lot anymore. Ridiculous.

Do you think you’re the first person to ever join up, spam this MB with a bunch of stupid questions, and ask “innocently” why Blacks are stupid? We’ve seen this shtick many times before, perhaps literally.

Yaaawn. Just. Yawn.

Rabid antiracism is the communism of the 21st century.


these “attacks” are not very interesting and frankly a bit embarrasing

bring something to the table instead

This would be true, except your theory is “Are blacks inherently inferior to other races?” I don’t really see how applying “racist” to this theory does much to cheapen the meaning of the word, as it seems to be pretty well contained within the commonly accepted meaning of the term.

Eh. You aren’t very interesting. We’re just calling you out. Not really worth the effort to do anything else.

Ok, I’ll give you one more chance to show me that you’re anything but a complete waste of time…
In your OP in the other thread, you said

After you were asked to provide said cites, you offered:

After being asked again for cites, you apparently chose to abandon that thread, and came here instead.

So let me ask you again, where did this ‘theory’ come from, if not out of your twisted imagination? What was the name of this supposed book? Where did you find it? Who wrote it? If this is an ‘accepted’ theory (or hell, even a totally wacko theory), who besides yourself and this mystery author subscribes to it? Indeed, who besides yourself has ever read this theory and thought it to be anything other than a very thinly veiled attack on dark-skinned people?

Do you have ***anything ***of substance to offer us?

(Why am I bothering to ask the question, knowing full well what the answer is?)