Another Big Bang?

Moving on… I heard from a few of my friends awhile back that there was an explosian recently (give or take a few years) somewhere out in space equivelant to the exlosian mass of the Big Bang, if one such existed. Maybe they were bluffing to me or maybe some of you heard this to. If you have, please respond to this thread.

There was a gamma-ray burster a few years ago which is considered to have been the largest known explosion since the Big Bang, but it’s not a close second, by any stretch. The maximum conceivable amount of mass in any post-Bang event would be the mass of an entire galaxy (and I don’t have a clue how you’d even get anywhere near that much in on the act), but there’s billions of galaxies in the known Universe, and all of them, or at least, all of the mass that would later become them, was involved in the Big one.

We’re not exactly sure yet what causes gamma-ray bursters, although there’s a few good theories around. In any event, it’s generally assumed that that big one was of the same sort as the rest of them, just bigger.