Another Film Thread—Play "Casting Director!"

I mentioned in another thread that—as good as Bette Davis was in “All About Eve”—Tallulah Bankhead would have been even more brilliant as Margo Channing. Can you think of any other films you’ve watched where you thought, “Ooooh, why didn’t they cast . . . ?”

• Marilyn Monroe in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” OK, Audrey was chic and stylish; but even Truman Capote said that Marilyn would have been more on-target as the self-destructive bubblehead Holly Golightly.

• Divine as Uncle Fester in “The Addams Family.” He died too soon—he would have brought a sweetness and genuine wackiness to the role that Christopher Lloyd lacked.

• Carole Lombard as Scarlett O’Hara. OK, call me nuts. I think she would have rocked in this.

Any others?