Another Movie Thread. The Cell

I saw this moving tonight.

Weak plot, lots of pretty swirling colors, and it starred Vince Vaughn ::: pant pant :::

Not one of my favorites, but I liked it.

Anyone else?

Okay plot considering the movies that are out right now.

I loved the imagery, especially the “ideal form” of the killer.

Jennifer Lopez… in that thing she was wearing… :smiley:

Good visual effects. Horrible, horrible dialouge.
Actually made Vince Vaughn look bad. Hated it.

But I will always remember the scene where Jennifer Lopez stands at the fridge door in her undies.

I really liked the surreal, dream imagery. The acting was fairly sub-par, but not so much so it was annoying. The plot, yes, wasn’t the greatest. I really enjoyed it though. The critic that said “‘Silence of the Lambs’ meets ‘The Matrix’” was pretty on the money. Go inside a killers head, but because of all of the cool special effects they had to take out a lot of the character depth. The dialogue was pretty poor, too. Great cinematography, though.
That would have been a delightful film… in IMHO has some interesting discussion on the movie (a lot of it by Typm and myself).

Ok! Finally a thread about a movie I enjoyed. (I hated Fight Club and Seven–wretched, mean-spirited movies). I liked The Cell. Didn’t think too hard on the logic, but the story was involving and the dream sequences were well done.

I thought it was cool and I can say I enjoyed watching the Cell. However, I don’t think it was a great movie. Actually, it seemed to be like a two-hour Marilyn Manson video. Very intriguing, but nowhere near as good as Silence of the Lambs.

Beatiful cinematography, particularly in the opening sequence. I liked the concept, but thought the execution left something to be desire. A lot of the dialogue seemed stilted. But it did keep my interest, which is all I really expect from a movie. If it gives me something to think about or has some emotional impact that outlasts the actual viewing, that’s a bonus.

I loved the visuals, but the plot did need some working on, and the characters also. I would go again just to watch the images float across the screen.