So does it suck, or what? In the ads it looks so lush and visually stunning that I was considering going to see it, but the reviews I’ve seen say the plot is paper-thin, and people I’ve talked to say it’s gross and disturbing.
Have any of you seen it? What did you think of it? Worth going to see, worth renting, or only worth skipping altogether?
I thought it did a very good job of showing what an incredibly disturbed person’s mind would be like. I didn’t think the acting was that bad, considering none of the actors were anyone special.
I do know that since I thought it was a “scarey” film, my husband and I invited our 15yo daughter to it (she loves horror). Thankfully, she turned us down. We won’t let either of our daughters watch it, after having seen it. It wasn’t (for us) scarey at all. It was profoundly disturbing. I would have been happy with an NC 17 rating.