Seems like every time a conspiracy theory about Obama is debunked another pops up in its place. This morning, this one was being share amongst my Teabilliy/Republican friends:
Of course it was debunked right away, but its still making the rounds. Where would a post like this go? I think it would be great to have a section for dispelling “conspiracy theories”?
The easy way to see if Facebook glurge is nonsense is to ask one question: is it about Obama? If the answer is yes, the post is certainly false. You can debunk them, reply with links to show what the actual facts are, and it doesn’t matter. We have a segment of society completely insulated from reality. If they see something and it smears Obama, they hit the Share button.
I’m pretty sure Exapno was mocking the comment that seemed to imply that the Marines were somehow independent of the government. “Keep your dirty government hands off my Marines.”
Actually, I took a look at the possible new male cover [I was guessing it was the one all the way on the right? ] and I actually prefer it to the old male cover. I don’t think it looks girly, I think the ones that have the exagerated outward swoosh of the top of the hat [it looks like it is at least 2 or so inches wider at the top than at the band] looks stupid. The more cylindrical one looks better.
I didn’t understand that either. The old version looks like a silly hat. The new version looks like an equally silly hat. Neither is masculine or feminine.
If I have a problem with the Marines’ dress hat, it’s that it completely lacks ostrich plumes, or wings, or at least a nice spike. They look like ice cream men in their current hat.
“Everyone agrees that the Marines are good at what they do. It is known that only private sector, for profit corporations are good at what they do. Therefore, the Marines are a private-sector, for-profit corporation.” [/satire]