Another PETA rant

OK, now, I admit that I TRY to respect even insects/aracnids, and HAVE actually gone out of my way to capture and release the little invaders. (spiders, flies, bees, etc…woke up with a crazed bee in my bedroom recently, apparently from some flowers my daughter had picked me, and I spent 30 minutes trying to capture the damn thing and release it w/o getting stung…I DID succeed, btw).

Certain varieties, I have zero sympathy for and will slaughter at first sight or sign (fleas, lice, roaches, mosquitos)

And yes, I AM a vegetarian/pescavore. But not a radical one or member of PETA.

Even I am laughing at the idiocy of this protest. :stuck_out_tongue: People, PLEASE! Hell, he even gave the fly fair warning! And DAMN! Good SHOT there, Mr. President…THAT should give pause to our enemies great and small. :wink: Guess it was a slow news day, huh? :rolleyes:

I feel safer already. :smiley:

PETA wants their name in the papers. They’ll continue to pull such stunts so long as gullible people such as yourself get on their moral high horses upon hearing their latest act of lunacy.

FWIW, the Humane Society is just as bad as PETA. They just spin things better.

Don’t you be dissing Helno now. The poor guy’s dead and that’s one of my favourite albums.

Ticks. You forgot ticks.

Yes, yes. And wasps. Husband just killed one ON OUR BED that hitched a ride on his laptop bag. :eek:

And yet, not a peep from them on something like THIS.

So they’re the sorts of morons who believe all publicity is good publicity, that doesn’t make Joebuck20 gullible. What they want is publicity that aids their purposes, and publicity that shows that they are a pack of retards doesn’t get them more donations or members.

What? The Humane Society runs a lot of animal shelters. Since when does PETA do so? (We got Piper Grace from the HS)

The Humane Society not only has shelters, they also will help you out if a wild animal is threatening you. PETA would just let it roam free.

The Humane society is just against needless killing of animals. They actually want pets to get adopted. PETA is against you having a pet, as it is slavery.

You’re confusing the HSUS (Human Society of the United States) with animal shelters bearing a similar name. The HSUS is an advocacy group. IRC, they do operate several animal sanctuaries but they do not serve as an umbrella organization for the local “humane society” in a given neighborhood. The money they receive is used for lobbying.

IMHO, despite the above link, the HSUS does not do enough to eliminate this confusion because more money flows their way than otherwise would.

Wayne Pacelle, the current head of the HSUS, is just as blood thirsty as Ingrid Newkirk

Nathan Winograd has an excellent blog on animal welfare. While I don’t agree with everything he has to say, he has made some excellent points about the HSUS and Wayne Pacelle

To quote from one article:

"Through HSUS, Pacelle has:

Participated in the slaughter of some 150 dogs, including puppies, in Wilkes County;
Lobbied to stop No Kill legislation in San Francisco;
Lobbied to stop No Kill legislation in King County, WA;
Supported breed discriminatory legislation in Indianapolis, IN;
Told USA Today and Newsweek that killing in shelters is acceptable and that No Kill was warehousing;
Misled the public about an epidemic of dog bites to convey the view that trying to save Pit Bulls was irresponsible and put children at risk;
Told the court to kill Vick’s victims even as he was asking people to give HSUS money so he could “care” for them;
Left New Orleans with tens of millions given to HSUS for the victims of Hurricane Katrina even while those animals were still suffering;
Legitimized the slaughter of virtually every animal at Tangipahoa Parish animal control;
Told people not to adopt animals during the holidays, effectively accepting the deaths of 1,000,000 animals as the alternative;
Told the Randolph, IA community that he did not have a problem killing stray cats."

And, IMHO, Vickie Hearne in Bandit: Dossier of a Dangerous Dog, makes a very strong case for the HSUS deliberately causing a hysteria over pit bulls and dog fighting to bolster their coffers.

That’s enough PETA like antics for me to never give them money.

Hope this isn’t too much off topic, but I got a mailing from PETA about the live skinning of dogs and cats in China (for fur) - this is something I want to help stop, like yesterday, but by God, for the reasons stated here, I can’t bring myself to donate to PETA. And if HSUS is almost as odious, who is not that is dealing with this issue?

They may be skinning them alive, but it would take more than PETA’s say-so to convince me. It sure seems like more trouble than killing them first. I have a hell of a time putting eye drops in a cats eye.

Word. My big fat Grease-boy has a hissy fit over ear medicine.

There’s other sources and videos that seem to substantiate the practice, but it’s not germane to post them here I guess. I suspect PETA whores out any issue in any corner of the world to pimp its message (veganism?), as the mailing didn’t mention any specific campaign.

As for the tattooed cats, that Sphinx does look upset. Maybe it wanted a tramp stamp.

True story. The University of Montreal has a pigeon problem. So they trapped some falcons and brought them on to the campus to help discourage the pigeons. This led to a letter in the paper (which printed it!) complaining how horrible it was to bring in hired killers, in effect. Just what did this guy think falcons and other raptors ate in the wild? I’m surprised PETA hasn’t gotten involved.

Nathan Winograd is hardly an unbiased source. :dubious:

PETA sucks on ice.
Several yeaers ago they were caught, crimson-fisted, tossing plastic bags full of dead dogs and cats in dunpsters.

This is why you don’t bury things in the Pet Sematary, folks.
Closing zombie thread.