Another piece of childhood disappears ..... uniliever discontiunes choco tacos

I first encountered these years before they went nationwide and were bought by big ice cream as they were one of a few ice cream treats I could/can eat due to having overly sensitive teeth in fact the ice cream truck owner (miss ya wally! ) said they were selling them truck to truck and he’s been given some as a sample and wanted me to try them … and I said they were a better version of a drumstick and easier to eat … and apparently he took my advice and sold so many that I never had to pay for mine for years … ( I got a free case once a month)… just another reminder of better times I guess

I thought they had been discontinued at some point a few years ago but brought back. Did I imagine that?

I don’t recall when/where I first had these, but I have fond memories of Taco Bell selling them (early 90’s?).

Damn. Hadn’t thought about them in years, but now I’m sad to see them go.

Due to some quirk in the workings of the universe, I never had a choco taco as a kid, and I don’t think was even aware of their existence, though they’re something I would have definitely been into. Were they a regional thing, I wonder?

And were they basically drumsticks in taco form? I had a lot of these as a kid:

Your picture is the first one I’ve ever even seen. I didn’t even know they existed!

In all honesty, I would think they would have the same problems as regular tacos. They would start melting and dripping off the ends and, because of the pressure exerted by ones fingers, the contents would begin to ooze out the top.

I hadn’t heard of these until recently, certainly not before I saw the SNL skit with Kate McKinnon as one of three alien abductees. She makes a comment about her “taco and her choco hanging out” that absolutely sent me into fits of laughter. The whole clip is worth watching but the line comes in around 2:54

I was just chatting about this with my cousins and we decided it was just a marketing ploy, and they’ll be back. Either from the original manufacturer or someone else will buy them like they did with Twinkies.

I’ve been seeing a lot of ads for Drumsticks lately (and dontchaknow, I totally went out and bought a box). Hip digital ads and a new character and plotlines and stuff. Perhaps the Chaco Taco people were like “we can’t afford to go head-to-head with Drumstick right now. How can we boost sales cheaply?”

Well, say you’re going out of production and every news outlet carries it and bingo, you’re on everyone’s lips again, no ad agency required.

That’s why there’s the chocolate shell around the top. You start at one end and the chocolate keeps the ice cream in.

I am blessed with an immunity to ice cream headaches, so I do not know this “melting” problem of which you speak. Also, thank you for agreeing that there never were any Chocotacos here in the first place, so I certainly didn’t eat them all.

What?! :flushed:

My God, there needs to be an extensive study of your physiology! Whoever discovers the secret to preventing Brain Freeze deserves the Nobel Prize!

As stated in another thread, I am eager to donate my body to science after I die. If someone wants to create a foundation for the study of prevention of mild, temporary, and entirely avoidable discomfort, they can have my magic unfreezable brain as well as my un-hangoverable liver. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Your generosity is much appreciated, but a dead subject for experimentation like this simply won’t do, so we need you alive. Don’t worry, you’ll only be incarcerated in a lab for a few months. The daily MRI’s will be a nuisance, but the only hazardous part of it will be finding out exactly how cold we can make the ice cream before your brain actually does freeze. :slight_smile:

Well, if I’m forced to eat a bunch of ice cream in the name of science, I think it’s only fair they bring back Chocotacos so we can do a proper experiment. Gotta isolate the variable, you know.

Heck – that’s worth three Nobels :grin:

Or wait! Rename the prize after the Brain Freeze Fixer!

Fun Stephen Colbert’s monolog last night, "Klondike’s Choco Taco has been discontinued after almost 40 years. No, not the Choco Taco! It was the only dessert with as much real beef as Taco Bell!”

I only had them as a dessert at Taco Bell.

There are a dozen or so in the ice cream cooler at my local hardware store (right next to the checkout, when you’re hot and hungry from working on the house and you have no willpower…).

Picking up some paint after reading this thread, I thought “Hey, I should grab one of these pieces of history!” Then I reasoned that I’ve never wanted one before (and what if I lovvvvved it and became addicted, just as it was disappearing?)

Took a lot of resolve, but I bought a tiny 25c box of Boston Baked Beans as a consolation. Now, if THOSE ever get discontinued…

This weekend’s Wall Street Journal contains a report that Unilever is reconsidering the decision to discontinue the Choco Taco.