Another Question re: When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong

What does the phrase “really hood” mean?

The phrase in question was introduced – to me, at least – during a popular segment known as “When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong”. In this particular installment, a plucky gal who, in a zealous, but unfounded, fit of teaching a strumpet from playin’ on her phone, winds up incarcerated for defacing a federal vehicle. In an effort to establish a higher spot in the pecking order early on, our heroine looks askance at a rather hardened and stalwart inmate. The inmate, not to be cowed, asks our newly imprisoned – to the tune of six years, mind you – champion, “What’s really hood, bitch?”

I would like to tell you that I at least had heard of the phrase, but just never knew what it meant, but that would be a lie. I had to replay that scene at least a dozen times to figure out what the hell she was saying. Thank heavens for ReplayTV!

In my quest to discover the perplexing phrase’s meaning, I decided to forgo asking the dudes in the mailroom – if you recall, they’re my source for all things street – because they threatened me grave bodily harm if I asked them one more question about slang. I believe the conclusion that I “ain’t. never. gonna. get. It.” and the suggestion to, in fact, cease watching Chappelle altogether were leveled at me. (Undeterred, I watch Chappelle’s Show with reckless and cheeky abandon.) So I turn to you, dear Dopers, to decipher this enigmatic expression for me.

Thanks in advance for your answers!

It’s just another of a million phrases that means “What’s up?”

That mean that, I mean.