this is the part that bothers me, actually. nobody shifts mentalities that quickly. it’s a steady descent. it’s utterly implausible to have someone go to bed one night, have a nightmare (and not an especially explicit one at that), and wake up the next day evil. I refuse to believe that it’s THAT easy to become THAT evil within a span of mere hours.
yes, i know lucas tried to hint at a propensity of evilness by having him kill sand people, constantly berating obi-wan, and being just reckless in his behavior but really… to go from a loose cannon with a sense of vigilante justice to mowing down kids by the dozens with robotic efficiency? i don’t buy it. at least have him show a LITTLE conflict. a LITTLE emotion. i mean, isn’t emotion what the dark side feeds off of?
ALSO, i wish it was shown more that anakin was REALLY freakin awesome as a jedi, and that’s why sidious chose him to convert, and not obi-wan or someone like that. like the scene with dooku? obi-wan should have gotten his ass handed, and anakin just walked up and diced him up without a hitch. the looming threat of anakin becoming god-like with his force powers, being obi-wan’s padawon AND being more powerful, etc… THAT’S what would set up the scenario that hey… power is corrupting this guy.
you have a super-powerful jedi that just sliced dooku up like it was nothing - something that yoda and obi-wan couldn’t, you have him MOCK obi-wan instead of BITCH about obi-wan, you have him asking to be given knight status and refused by the council, you have him meditating on his own, exploring his own force powers… THAT’S a descent. THAT’S an ARC. on Naboo, instead of him shaving apples for padme, why not have him force-bend the water at the waterfalls to make a double-rainbow? a TRIPLE rainbow? any jedi can levitate an apple, but how many can divert millions of gallons of water kilometers away to spray in such a way that the sunlight will create triple rainbows?
yeah. that’s how powerful he gets.
and how does he fall from grace? order 66. it’s not a bunch of clones shooting jedis in the back. how retarded is THAT plan? heck no. it’s an all-out assault on the jedi temple. a temple where there is significant jedi resistance, not just a bunch of kids waiting for yoda to tuck them in. dozens of full grown jedi masters, and vader is there to take them all on. he hacks through all of them and he’s all sorts of cut up. there are holes in him, but you can see “force waves” holding him together.
i mean, if you have him LOSING to obi-wan that implies that vader ISN’T the most powerful jedi in the universe. he’s not even better than obi-wan, who’s not even on the council. in fact, he’s just kind of a crappy jedi, who’s easily manipulated and that qui-gon really had no reason to pluck this kid out of tatooine, the council had no real reason to think him the chosen one, etc because apparently the chosen one is just any jedi who’s dumb enough to be swayed by a bad dream and vague promises.