I love a good action flick. I firmly believe that this is one of the reasons my husband married me. Here are my top 5 action movie performances (not neccesarily my top 5 action movies, mind you). I am defining action movie here as one which is every other aspect of the story is subordinate to the action. Solid plotting, good performances, and intelligent dialogue may or may not exist in the film, but it is unimportant on this list.
Note - these are not in any particula order:
Kurt Russell in “Escape from New York”
Arnold Schwartzenegger in “Conan the Barbarian” (too seminal to be left off the list)
Bruce Willis in “Die Hard”
Mel Gibson in “The Road Warrior”
Timothy Dalton in "The Living Daylights
Chow Yun Fat in Hard Boiled
Jackie Chan in Drunken Master
Arnold in Conan, of course
Kurt Russell in Big Trouble in Little China
Errol Flynn in the Sea Hawks
Arnold S. in Terminator and Conan.
Bruce Willis in Die Hard.
Chow Yun Fat in Hard Boiled.
Keanu Reeves in The Matrix.
Bruce Lee in Enter The Dragon.
OK, so that was six. Arnold’s performances in those trwo movies are tied, IMHO.
Honorable mention to Jackie Chan for a whole bunch of his movies (The Big Brawl, Supercop, Drunken Master, Rumble In The Bronx) and, of all people, Keanu Reeves for The Matrix.
Arnold Schwarzenegger in True Lies.
Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2.
Sigourney Weaver in Aliens.
Jean Reno in The Professional.
Steven Segal in Hard to Kill. (It was all those broken arms that did it for me.)
Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon.
Sigourney Weaver in Aliens.
Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry (or any films from that series. Or any of the Man With No Name films).
Burt Lancaster in the Crimson Pirate.
Mandy Patinkin in the Princess Bride.
Steve McQueen in Bullit. The thinking man’s action movie, even if he does manage to upshift his car 16 times furing the infamous chase.
Akroyd and Belushi in Blues Brothers. Sorry, a package deal here. Funny, touching, more than a little insane, but with their own weird logic. Only good reason for the existence of Illinois Nazis. Strangely, since this movie, the only real problem we’ve had with neo-Nazi groups in Illinois has been the World Church of the Creator.
Chow Yun Fat in Fists of Legend. An action movie about prejudice that has Fats’ greatest performance, fully of pathos, anger, revenge and thoughtful (not to mention well-though out) action scenes. Rent it for the single greatest final battle ever and for a great training sequence with a Japanese master. Yes, I know it’s a remake of a Bruce Lee film. This is the one case where the remake is better. This movie is actually worth watching for non action fans, as it has a great plot about racial prejudice between the Chinese and Japanese in the 1930s.
Jackie Chan, in anything. Personal favorites are Supercop, Shanghai Noon, Drunken Master,Rush Hour & Double Trouble.
Another joint one for my final choice: Tim Roth and Liam Neeson in Rob Roy. Not strictly an action movie, but does contain some spectularly realistic sword fights that you actually give a damn about. Two great actors fighting in their own particular styles (fencing versus bludgeoning).
Jackie Chan in anything
Rutger Hauer in Blind Fury
Mel Gibon in Lethal Weapon 1,2 & 3
Jet Li in Lethal Weapon 5
Arnold Schartzenegger in True lies
Kathleen Turner in V.I. Warchauski (sp?)
Bruce Willis in Die hard
Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans in The Last Boy Scout (i thought this combination worked)
Billy Crystal & Gregory Hines in Running Scared
Keanu Reeves in The Matrix
Jackie Chan in Drunken Master II (is this what you guys meant, or is DM I just that good?)
Chow Yun Fat in Hard Boiled
Russell Crowe in Gladiator
Brandon Lee in The Crow
Bruce Campbell in Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness
That’s more than five, stuffinb, but we won’t persecute you here, not like the freaks in the BBQ Pit, lousy bastards…get rifle…revenge soon…
My five would have to be:
Arnold Schartzenegger in T2 (not the first one, though)
Bruce Willis in Die Hard trilogy (counting them as one)
Bill Pulman in Independance Day (very good movie, not as much action as some others, but Pulman did a DAMN good job in it)
Pierce Brosnan in Goldeneye (best of his three Bond films)
Bruce Cambell in Evil Dead trilogy (half comedy, but still rocks ass.)
Jackie Chan in, again, anything.
Chow Yun Fat in The Killer or Hardboiled or A Better Tomorrow or heck, just about anything.
Jet Li in just about anything (He was far and away the best thing in Lethal Weapon IV)
Harrison Ford in either Raiders or Star Wars.
Burt Lancaster in Vera Cruz
Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry
Walter Matthau in Charley Varrick
Spencer Tracy in Bad Day at Black Rock
John Wayne in The Seachers
Sigourney Weaver in “Aliens” (best motivation and acting I’ve ever seen for an action role)
Harrison Ford in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” (Amazing how all that papier maché lasted for centuries in the jungle.)
Jackie Chan in “Rumble in the Bronx” (This one is for doing the end of the movie with a broken foot and a cast painted to look like a sneaker–ouch!)
Ray Parks in “Phantom Menace” (Whatever you think of the movie, you have to admit the fight scene is incredible. Also, Darth Maul always triggers the thought “Such a quiet villain. Never too busy to stop and run you through.” In Richard Dawson’s voice, no less–name that reference, action movie fans!)