Another Worthless Celebrity Anti-Vaxer

Dude, settle down. If he was taking a shot at Obama, he’d presumably be happy to say so. If your dander gets up over “Barry” (and yes, I know the birthers like to call him Barry Soetoro or whatever) you’ll have a heart attack at 45.

Serious question: have any anti-vaxer’s kids ended up with autism any way? Surely there’d be some press on the matter if so.

Ok, let’s lay this hijack to bed.

There are a lot of people who do not like the POTUS. Some percentage of them are racist fucks.

Some of the people who do not like the President choose to use disparaging names and labels for him. Among the most clearly dogwhistly are calling him a Kenyan or an Indonesian, emphasizing his middle name, and calling him by his stepfather’s name.

Some of these also use the diminutive “Barry,” presumably as a way to infantilize him. AFAICT, it’s usually, as RNATB points out, in conjunction with other disparaging names or titles.

I personally do not find the name Barry to be infantile or demeaning in any way. I have known several Barrys, all grown-ass men. I have been known to get my groove on to Barry White. I do not see it as dismissive or demeaning in any way.

But I feel the same about “Bubba.” Coming from a redneck Southern family, I don’t hear anything dismissive or demeaning in the nickname Bubba, and I often use it to refer to @prezbillyjeff as a way to humanize a man I deeply admire and respect.

That’s how I use “Barry” as well. Most of the time, I choose to refer to Mr. Obama as “the President” or “President Obama” (or, obviously, “Mr. Obama”). I find occasionally referring to him as “Barry” to be a way to humanize a tremendously powerful man whom I deeply admire and respect.

Now, there is a legitimate argument that Mr. Obama willfully chose to use his full given name in his public life, and actively discouraged the use of his nickname as perhaps less appropriate for a lawyer and politician. In that sense, I admit that using “Barry” could be seen as disrespectful of his wishes. I’m happy to apologize to him in person if he has taken offense.

Similarly, I admit that there exist some number of assholes (see above) who choose to use “Barry” as a way to diminish the President, and that by doing so myself I might somehow associate myself with them. I think it’s a stretch. Like, a “ripping poor Mr. Armstrong’s limbs off” kind of stretch. But sure, ok, I can see it. If one has surrounded oneself with assholes, one might readily see assholery where none is intended.

And ok, I guess I can grok the argument that “Barry,” or any diminutive nickname, is demeaning or infantilizing. I don’t agree, and I reckon Jack, Dick, Jerry, Jimmy, and Ronnie would be with me. But I guess I can at least understand that argument.

And hey, y’all don’t know me. I’m pixels on the screen. I’d like to think my posting history has made clear that I’m not a racist or a birther or even the slightest bit right-leaning. But I cannot–and do not–expect anyone to know that.

So Acsenray, if you want to think my using a nickname for my President is disparaging, go ahead on. If you want to consider it “precious and twee,” go for it. I’m not the boss of you. But I do apologize for inadvertently giving offense. None was intended, neither to you nor to Mr. Obama.
(Now, if someone wants to call me racist because of it? Naw, no apologies there. Fuck that noise.)


If you know that using a particular name is the calling card of racist fucks, then if you choose to use that name, you should be aware that people might think you’re a racist fuck. If you’re going to get upset when people think you’re a racist fuck, you might try not using their calling card.

It was a throwaway reference. Calm the fuck down.

If calling the President “Barry” is the “calling card of racist fucks”–and I’m sure you’ll agree that’s some pretty strong language–then you certainly have a point. I’m not aware that it is, however.

Please enlighten me; if it truly is only racist fucks who use the nickname, then I am absolutely way out of line, and will apologize unreservedly.

All I know is I did a doubletake when I read your post and if I weren’t more familiar with your posting history, I’d have made the same assumption as running coach. It’s an interesting choice of phrasing at the least.

I’m curious as to what leads you to the assumption that I’m upset.

I can’t speak to the universality of my experience, but you’re the only person I’ve ever personally seen call the President “Barry” who wasn’t doing it to deliberately be a schmuck and make some sort of disparaging point. And not being one of those people who keeps up with the posting history of people who aren’t totally out in the wild blue yonder, I didn’t have the contextual framework to take your usage in the spirit you apparently intended it. So yeah, I took it as a not-particularly-subtle expression of your disdain for the President, similar to calling his predecessor “Shrub” or “Dubya.”

Oh, I don’t know. Probably your repeated insinuation that andros is a racist fuck.

I don’t believe I’ve insinuated that at all. And anyway, one could think someone is a racist fuck and not be upset about it.

Your initial post came off as a little more breathless than those that followed, but okay.

:rolleyes: Aliens?! Oh, grow up! The only explanation for those missing children that survives Occam’s Razor is vampires!

I wasn’t offended. No apology is required. I was just explaining to you what the usage signals to me.

Well I guess you and running coach are just going to have to accept that people now think you’re racists.

Also since Barobama reads this website I’d like to say, “Hi.”

Yep, awesome Penn & Teller!

Here’s Penn’s rant previewing the Bullshit episode.

The only thing I’ve taken away from this thread is that I should now call the president Barry. in fact I’m going to start calling all of the presidents Barry.

Oh, you could totally take it further than that.

There have been instances where children did not get immunizations and developed autism, and the parent(s) blamed their own shots.

It’s really stupid of you, you miserable fucking subhuman.