Another Worthless Celebrity Anti-Vaxer

Oh the fucking comments over there! Such ignorance. One moron is pretending that vaccinating for measles and not vaccinating for measles bring the same results. She’s also implying that the MMR vaccine wears off.


I hate that that site changed its name from The Jenny McCarthy Body Count, because that summed it up for me. 1336 dead kids at her feet* as of February 2014. And somehow ABC sees fit to give that baby-killer a voice in a daily public forum. :mad:

Well, that’s pretty much all you need to know.

He might be; we don’t know.

*She doesn’t take all the blame, of course, but she does get a large chunk of it.

If he is, it’s jerkish of him to drop nicknames. If he isn’t, then it’s either disparaging or precious and twee. I don’t use the nickname “Dubya” very often, but when I do, I am aware that I mean something by it, and not something nice.

Do tell. :cool:

I thought of you when I posted that. But to fair, we don’t know if anti-vaxers were the source of the infection. It could be that children who hadn’t been vaccinated yet were the source. It’s my understanding that even kids who have been vaccinate can spread the disease. So don’t be quick with your conclusions, you. :slight_smile:

Oh I know. I just used it as a jest because I see their ads on TV all the time.

Yet still above Evergreen State College

My son was exposed to the NYC measles. He had been at his dad’s house, and a friend of his stepmom came by, not knowing that he was about to come down with it. And he had been vaccinated. The guy who got measles, I mean. I guess he was one of the unlucky few that got it anyway. Naturally everybody in the house had been vaccinated, and nobody else came down with it.

This is especially fortunate for stepmom, because she’s 7 months pregnant. And oh yeah…she’s a lactation consultant, which means she sticks her fingers in newborn babies’ mouths all day long. Luckily the timing worked out that she hadn’t been to work between the time she was exposed and the time she found out she was exposed, so no babies got it. She did have to take a week off work just in case, though.

The thought of the newborns being exposed to measles like that…there are no words.

Your opinion is duly noted, thanks.

Oddly enough, I don’t really recall Bush using that nickname for himself. Guess your opinion has as much–or as little–value as anyone else’s opinion.

True, I haven’t seen an update on the vaccination status of the index case, how that individual was exposed in the first place and what the vaccination status was for those who caught measles as a result of visiting a doctor’s office.

Interesting though in light of the claim made in another recent Pit thread that vaccine-preventable disease transmission via a doctor’s office is an incredibly rare event (thus MDs supposedly don’t have to worry about their practice encompassing non-vaccinated kids). That may now have to be revised to “like, really really uncommon”. :dubious:

My understanding is that it’s pretty much how he was known by his family most of his life.

I’m currently being called a whore on her Facebook page. I’m proud I’ve managed not to call every last anti-vax nut a germ spreading, measles loving, willfully ignorant, painfully dumb, Darwin award nominee in the making. Ugh. Seriously. They’re praising Mercola, he of the multi-million dollar house and enough money to donate a cool million to the anti-vax NVIC while whining about a twenty-three cent measles shot and thirteen cent polio shot.

Give us the link so we can do it? :smiley:

Aw what the hell.

Screw those morons. Five cents of brains between them. Paranoid, backwards, deeply stupid fuckheads every last one. If you can’t figure out that it’s better to avoid measles then get it, you need to find another planet.

Why don’t you take a chill tablet and apologize for making assumptions?

Is it really, really mean of me to kind of, sort of hope this loon’s kid ends up with autism spectrum disorder, despite never being vaccinated?

No, I don’t really wish that on any kid or any parent, but it would be poetic justice, or irony, or something.

Just my bitchy opinion.

I wish that the consequences for these parents making bad, dangerous decisions were visited upon them, not upon their kids and other people’s kids.

Hey, how do we know that the anti-vaccination crusaders aren’t the drug company shills?! After all, everyone knows that treatments are more profitable than cures! How do we know they aren’t trying to get lots of kids sick with easily preventable diseases, knowing that desperate parents will pay anything to make those kids better, thus raking in the profits for drugs that wouldn’t have been necessary if not for a much cheaper and less profitable single vaccination?!

I’ve also seen it argued that BigPharma sells vaccines cheap so they can clean up on the treatment drugs.