O.K., this is not some question I’ve been dying to ask for a long time, it’s just that everytime I skim the Thread titles and see Answering the door while armed, my brain keeps wanting the last word to be “naked” instead of armed. So, I’m posting this Thread to resolve the issue.
Have you ever answered the door naked?
When I think of answering the door naked, my first thought is the classic “Pizza Dare” scenario. If you do a search for “Pizza Dare” with safe search turned off, you’ll see that many people have made videos of themselves answering the door naked for an expected delivery person (often a pizza delivery, hence the term “Pizza Dare”). Often this is done with a staged “towel drop”: answer the door wrapped in a towel as if having just gotten out of the shower, then allow the towel to “accidentally” drop while digging through a purse to get money to pay for the pizza.
Still there are many other scenarios for answering the door while naked, so I will include a poll.
I have never done “Pizza Dare” type naked door answering, but I have answered the door naked for girlfriends a few times in those early stages of the relationship when you tend to start right away with sex when one arrives at the other’s home.
I was thinking the poll would be more interesting as a “For those of you who have answered the door naked, what were the circumstances?”. I suppose I could have made that the actual question.
If you’re a woman and you would like to count “answering the door topless” as equivalent to “answering the door naked” for the purpose of the poll, feel free to do so. I thought 10 poll options was sufficient. We can be as specific or vague as we want to be in the actual posts to the Thread.
Three poll responses so far, but none of them has seen fit to comment. Probably don’t want to trigger the “Pics or it didn’t happen!” response (followed by the “How you doin’?” response).
Male, I’ve gone to the door in a towel because someone knocked while I was showering. That was years ago. I have a robe handy these days that can be quickly thrown on.
I guess the obvious question of legality is a concern. Flashing a stranger at the front door might get someone in trouble. I’m not sure.
I would have checked “Other”, if that had been an option. Maybe that’s why there are so few poll responses.
I’ve never answered the door naked, and never would, for a plethora of reasons, all of which seem perfectly sound to me. Feel free to guess what they are.
I’m also thinking there should be a "I have answered the door naked as a prank to shock a solicitor (as in JW, door to door sales, or someone knocking for a politician.) They deserve the shock for interrupting me. :mad:
Actually, the way I originally worded the “Pizza Dare” option, your scenario would go under that poll choice. There’s a limit to the number of characters you can type into each poll option. As I ended up having to edit them down, they became less detailed.
Not as a ‘surprise’ for a lover, but I’ve done it because a fuck buddy asked me to. Also I’ve done it just because I happened to be naked at the time the knock happened.