Many Anti- Covid Vaxers are also in this category too, but I will cut them a bit more leeway and at least hear their reasoning.
And no this is not an all in all, like people without a mouth or nose don’t really need a mask over their mouth and nose. Other exceptions do apply. That covers all 4 of them with valid excuses.
It takes courage to do the right thing, to protect others, It takes courage to do the right thing EVEN when you are ordered to and you have some opposition to being ordered. But cowards fail and then are manipulated by their political leaders into doing exactly what they want. Thus antimaskers are fucking sheep. Sheep used to spread a deadly disease, fuck they are so brainwashed they set doing the right thing aside to march in lock step of death and disease.
And what is their motivation for being anti-mask. Fucking fear, fear of some government or new world order conspiracy. Fear of being controlled have them become a sheep ready for the slaughter and the sheep themselves are doing the slaughtering.
So to put on the serious hat, it’s used for ruminants in general. Horses, sheep, cows, and so on.
It’s also sometimes given to dogs, but you have to be careful because there are breeds with a genetic defect that makes it poisonous.
It can even be given to reptiles (via injection or spray, not orally).
And finally, yes it is given to humans. A very small dose can be given orally to treat some parasitic infections, though usually it’s used topically for humans, most often as a way to kill head lice.
Besides them taking the livestock medicine - oh the irony right there, they also like to use the term ‘woke’ for their political ‘opponents’ as a derogatory term. The shear spiritual irony of that which makes them un-woke, basically sleeping, while Biblically God wakes up His followers while the rest sleeps.
Some potential evidence is still being studied, and study will doubtless continue, but AFAICT there is zero reason to believe in any substantiated beneficial effects. The strongest conclusion appears to be
There’s an ancient saying - the dose makes the poison. Just about everything is toxic in large enough doses. They might be ok if they were careful about it, but these schmoes weren’t the sharpest tools in the shed to begin with.