Anti-vaxxers are ignorant scumbags that kill children

What do you call the cadet who graduated last in his class at West Point?

General George Armstrong Custer.

Antivax misinformation takes another victim.

The “Herman Cain Awards” subreddit is full of such stories.

And finally, get the fucking vaccine, you fucking fucks. Fuck.

See, this is sad. She probably saw some Instacrap and got misled. And now she’s dead.

On a related note, check out SAY NO TO SMOKE DETECTORS!!!. It shows how defective the arguments of anti-vaxers really are,

Very nice.

Anti-vaxxer kills 4 year old daughter.

About 2 a.m. Tuesday, Harwood’s mother noticed Kali had a fever, she said. They gave her medicine to combat it.

By 7 a.m., Kali was gone.

“She died in her sleep,” Harwood said.

Harwood and most of the rest of her family were quarantined because of their own COVID infections. She said she and her fiancé were out of work because of the pandemic.

Harwood said she wasn’t vaccinated.

“I was one of the people that was anti, I was against it,” she said. “Now, I wish I never was.”

Too little, too late, bitch.

It’s not real unless it affects ME personally. Then HELP!!!

Parents who refuse vaccination are essentially no different from parents who drive their kid around town drunk without seatbelts. No different - maybe even more reckless, actually.

They should be charged with child endangerment. I know they won’t since the system is biased to punish “biblical sins” like engaging in sex and drinking alcohol, and simultaneously assumes that parents should have the freedom to believe in science or not.

From the same source

I read an account of an English prisoner-of-war who was captured by the Germans in WWI. He ended up suffering from scurvy and wrote that prior to his experience he believed the accounts from sailors in previous centuries had been exaggerated. After his stint as a POW, he could confirm that scurvy was every bit as bad as the old sailors had attested.

My mother is an anti-vaxxer. She refers to the COVID vaccination as “kill shots.” She’s a retired nurse and should no better but she’s socially isolated and spends all of her time getting information from dubious online sources. Over the last few years she’s really gone down a rabbit hole and is now posting 9/11 conspiracy theories. I’ve had a few acquaintances die from COVID this last year, and a few coworkers, but when I mention their deaths my mother starts talking about comorbidities and statistics and how that doesn’t demonstrate that the virus is dangerous. My brother-in-law’s cousin, who was in her early 20s, just died from COVID and my mother just repeated her same mantra about comorbidities and statistics.

And I’m sad to say that it’s damaged our relationship. I visit her once a week but I don’t really talk about anything of substance because I don’t really want to hear what she has to say about anything of substance. So I just make small talk, help her around the house with whatever I can, and sometimes take her to lunch and that’s it.

That’s sad. How old is she?

She’s in her mid-60s now.

Note that:

Since 1979, no cases of polio have originated in the United States. However, the virus has been brought into the country by travelers with polio. The last time this happened was in 1993. It takes only one traveler with polio to bring the disease into the United States.

So I wonder how long until polio will start re-appearing in the U.S.?

Our last imported case was in 1993; the last one originating in the U.S. was in 1979.

Interruptions in vaccine services and physician visits due to the pandemic have led to concerns that we could see outbreaks of previously limited or eradicated vaccine-preventable diseases.

Answering my own question:

Oh golly, Rockland County NY. The ultra-religious Orthodox Jewish (Haredi) sects that have built some substantial, and somewhat culturally isolationist, communities there tend to be susceptible to antivax rhetoric and have low vaccination rates, hence their central role in a major measles outbreak in 2019.

So now we’re going to see outbreaks of polio AND antisemitism. Great.

Well, it kind of goes along with covid and anti-everyone-that-looks-slightly-Asian thing. Eventually we will get to everybody on the bigot list.

Not just the US.

The annual conclave for antivaxers and hucksters who prey on the parents of autistic children, AutismOne, is set to run August 18-21 in Mesa, Arizona.

In addition to antivaccine celebrities like Del Bigtree and Judy Mikovits, there’s an amazing array of alt practitioners ready to dish out autism cures.

Perhaps most intriguing is Dietrich Klinghardt, MD and PhD, a “kind and gentle spirit”, who appears to have succeeded in finding the Cure For All Diseases. The root cause is of course mercury, but there are many other sub-causes and interventions one must employ to proceed through Klinghardt’s five levels of healing. It looks very complex, time-consuming and expensive, but a journey well worth taking for your autistic child.

Klinghardt has noted lots of susceptibilities in autistic kids, including an “abnormally large energy field” and “trans-generational trauma”, in which the autistic child is a “sacrifice” to unresolved family secrets and crimes, but I found the following especially intriguing:

“Klinghardt believes that scars on traumatized body parts create abnormal input into the autonomic nervous system with resultant adverse multi-system effects. Everyone has scars, starting with the place where the umbilical cord was cut. Other scars occur as a result of circumcision, tonsil removal, surgery, infections and accidents.”

“Neural therapy” is a powerful Klinghardt invention that involves the injection of procaine, diluted medications and homeopathics into scars and acupuncture points. Scars and other unhealed focal areas are magnets for heavy metals, which Klinghardt demonstrates eloquently with ART. Injecting scars with healing substances helps the body mobilize the toxins and excrete them. The injections are superficial, safe, easy to learn, and effective for alleviating a wide variety of medical problems associated with toxicity."

Obviously it’s a mistake to sever the umbilical cord at birth and cause scarring - much better to leave it and the placenta attached to the baby until they eventually slough off naturally.

Klinghardt promotes a CD you can play for your sleeping child that upsets internal pathogens with vibrations (it is said to work especially well on viruses). Painting the walls of the child’s room with graphite paint, making sure the head of the bed is away from any electrical outlets and undergoing other home alterations are a must. Various supplements and devices (like ionic foot baths with added cilantro) are useful as well.*

One expects that lots of life-saving products will be on sale to conference attendees.

*“If all else fails, move to a different house” says Klinghardt.