First it’s <b>viruses</b> virii isn’t even correct in Latin, never mind that we’re speaking English. I’m sick of seeing it.
When it comes to Linux, a lot of people aren’t being forthright with you. Linux is an acceptable alternative, as long as the distribution you have anticipates all of your needs from the get-go.
Want to run multiple displays on linux? Here’s what you’ll end up doing:
It’s a multi-page tutorial. What would it be for OSX? Most likely,
- Plug in extra monitor
- enjoy
This is the problem with Linux. You will get along fine if you don’t mind having little bits and pieces taken out of your computing experience. Trivial things can become immensely difficult under linux. Granted it’s getting better, but wireless networking was still a PITA last time I checked.
All of these linux guys really love to hype it up, but the truth is that it needs some work. There are just too many times I’ve tried it where I though, that’s it, I don’t feel the need to have to work, to get an environment no better than OSX.
As far as why people don’t like OSX? It is set up for idiots. I think Finder sucks a lot of times, but there are just too many other ways that it makes me happy. I don’t like Window’s way of notifying me of everything with an audible click. Yes, I realize I’m on the network, I just saw the bar change to green. I don’t need a bubble and a sound effect!
Macs also have much better power management when it comes to sleeping and waking. On my laptop, I have to wait about 2 seconds before i’m on the internet from my computer being asleep.
But yeah, let’s see about some advice you might want…
Take your applications folder and drag it to your right hand side of the dock. You can right-click it and use it as a start-menu type thing.
Itunes is a great app…
Videos are best viewed in VLC, don’t bother with quicktime.
Transmission is a great bittorrent client although azureus is available too.
Did you hate PDFs? I did too, but OSX includes native PDF display, so they will load instantaneously. Also there is a built-in print-to-pdf feature.
Make sure you download Safari 3.0 beta. It isn’t as feature rich as Firefox, but it’s lightning fast.
One thing it’s best to learn is to stop having so much control over the way the computer does stuff. For instance, in Itunes, it’s best to let it move them into its own directory structure. There’s no reason to organize them yourself into your own folders. Itunes can do all of the things you’d want to do with music anyway (including burning CDs, etc.) If you have to manipulate the files, they can be dragged around like normal files.
Try dragging and dropping more. I use iChat a lot, and I am constantly dragging links, files, etc into the window. It automatically handles it between apple apps. you could, say, drag a picture directly from a webpage to iChat and hit enter to send it. No confirmation about sending, etc…
Also, built-in screencap program.
Just a few things that make me like Apple a lot. For my needs it is perfect.