Any "Doper" TRUE ghost stories out there?

I don’t seem to remember this being posted, and thought I’d bring it up, heh. I would say that I feel as if I can sense things, and see things at times, but I chalk it more so up to being paranoid than anything else, lol.

Do any of you have any stories you’d like to share, or know of any? :eek:

Several people were present when this happened, including me.

…cue spooky music…

After rehearsals, a handful of us orchestra members gather at a local restaurant for beer and fellowship, usually around 10:00 p.m… This particular restaurant is supposed to have a ghost, a young woman who was killed in an automobile accident up the street sometime in the 1950s.

One night last fall we were all chatting, this was just before Halloween so we had some props with us for the upcoming Halloween-themed concert, and a glass candleholder on the empty table right next to us just went whoosh onto the floor, where it broke. I was sitting about 3 feet away and there was no reason for this object to move, it had been in the center of the table, we were all just sitting and the place was almost empty. Our waitress was walking towards us when she heard the glass shatter and she could see that no one had bumped the table. She was actually quite unnerved and disturbed.

Here’s a link to the restaurant; I’m really not kidding. In fact, I only found out about this story after the incident (nobody told me we’d picked a haunted hangout!).

I once woke up in the middle of the night to see this 7’ women bathed in a white light standing at the foot of my bed. I blinked a few times and she disappeared.

I think it might of been an angel instead of a ghost.

My aunt lives in a house thats over 100 years old, so you can imagine the things I thought I saw, or heard. Most times, my cousins and I swore it was the house creaking, or just weird shadows, but there were two instances where there was no explaining it.

My grandfather smoked cigars in the den and after he passed away, the smell would always be there. Years passed and picture two 8 year olds who have never met this man, coming into the den, and seeing a man sitting on the couch, smoking a cigar. He was there for a few seconds, and then he was gone. We ran to get someone, and when we came back, the smell of cigars was there, along with some lingering smoke. Mom asked us what the man looked like, and after we described him, my grandmother reached in her purse and showed us the picture of the man we saw. It was Papa.

Then there was another night when I was sleeping and woke up because I heard the attic door slam. Standing in front of the door was a woman with long hair, wearing a nightgown. She was very thin, and very tall. No one in the house that night was sleeping in the attic, and no one was tall and thin with long hair. I dove under the covers, and didn’t come out until morning. I asked my aunt if she had seen anything, and she told me that she had been seeing this girl coming out of the attic for years.

Well that stuff isn’t too scary, but oh well. It was at the time, and it’s kind of neat to think of now.

I’m amazed this thread has lasted this long without the Legion of Evangelical Skeptics swooping in to inform everyone how foolish people who believe they’ve seen something supernatural are, and how ghosts don’t exist and never will because there is no scientific evidence of them…

Wonder how long it’ll hold out?

Not very long.

The OP asked for stories - personal experiences. There’s nothing there to debunk, unless someone states that they are proof of ghosts.

Ghost stories are fun. I’ve had a couple experiences I couldn’t explain either, which I’ve posted to other ghost story threads before.

Other threads that specifically asked for stories have been descended upon by the LoES within five posts, I’m amazed and delighted that this one hasn’t yet. Unfortunately, there haven’t been many stories posted…

My contribution (so I’m not a total hijacker) - I once saw a keepsake (an autographed baseball in a display stand) move off my dresser about one foot vertically by one foot horizontally, whereupon it fell to the floor with a clatter. I was across the room at the time, watching prime time TV (Remington Steele, actually…) and was wide awake and alone in the room. I have no idea how it happened or what “phenomenon” was involved.

It freaked me out.

Quite a few years back the youthgroup I was with stopped in an old Colonial house in VA to sleep in for cheap on the way back from a retreat. As soon as I got in the house I felt a very, very intense creepiness, and was really uncomfortable. Couldn’t sleep that night, even though I was in a room with three other guys, and ended up konking out on the porch in my sleeping bag till morning.

Leaving the next day one of the guys found a flier for a Haunted House tour - the featured residence, yep, the one we had spent the night in.

Okay pretty lame, but hey.

Ummm, no. The OP asks for TRUE ghost stories, the clear implication being that he’s looking for stories with a grounding in scientific fact, not personal anecdotes.

Anyway, as the official emissary of the Legion of Evangelical Skeptics, by which I mean League of Rational Thinkers, there are no TRUE ghost stories. Y’all feel free to engage in all the fuzzy thinking ya can stomach, but remember, this is primarily a skeptical website that deals in substantiated facts. You shouldn’t be surprised when people wander in here to expound that view and attempt to combat willful ignorance.

Or you might only think you were awake; it’s far more likely that you were still asleep and dreaming.

A few weeks ago, I heard what sounded for all the world like little feet, running across the ceiling.

And right this very instant, I can hear a scratching, as if by claws, at the door…even though no one else is home.

Of course, it might just be that the upstairs neighbors had a family with a toddler visiting a while back, and that I’ve locked the cat in the bathroom.

I’m definitely a skeptic, but I love ghost stories, too. Some of the stories above literally sent shivers down my spine. Keep 'em coming, eh? (I can’t really contribute, all the ghostly occurrences in my life have ended up with fairly mundane causes, more’s the pity)

When I was 5, I was lying on the floor by the foot of my parents bed, trying to fall asleep. My mom had went into the bathroom to brush her teeth, and when I looked into the doorway of my parent’s room, there was a woman standing there, looking into the room, wearing a white nightgown. Now my mom wasn’t wearing a white nightgown, and whenever I looked away, then back, the woman standing in the doorway was gone. My dad also had seen the woman standing in the doorway, and my mom walked back into the room a few minutes later, not having seen it.

In a more creepy turn, the next day we found out that my grandmother, whom had been bedridden for months, dying of breast cancer, had passed on during the night.