any Dopers speak Latin?

Any Dopers fluent in Latin? It is everyone’s favorite dead language, after all. At least, I think that this is Latin. A buddy of mine just sent this to me asking if I could translate and I’m stumped. Is it a religous thing?

In case you can’t see the picture, the phrase is: omnium finis imminet

pic here

Basically, this means “The end is nigh.” Literally “The end of all things nears.” Latin apocalyptic graffiti.

Thanks Melandry!

Thats interesting. I guess some wacked out intelligent homeless guy is graffitiing. Wonder what his deal is?

And right before Ash Wednesday, too. Tsk tsk.

What’s this, then? ‘Romanes Eunt Domus’? ‘People called Romanes they go the house’?

I’d guess “Romans Go Home.” Something those Gauls might have written.

But I haven’t done much with my Latin grammar for 25 years or so…

You also haven’t done much with classic British humor. :slight_smile:

Sounds more like rebellious nerds to me.

could be. San Francisco offers such a charming variety of crazies.

But honestly, who speaks Latin well enough to want to graffiti it everywhere?

I can’t speak for the crazies, but it is nice to have a few quick phrases memorized, even if it means spending 10 minutes with a dictionary that has a grammar section figuring out how to decline the nouns and verbs. :smiley:

(Not fluent though, sorry.)

I once found the following inscribed on the wall of the men’s room in my college dorm:


Try Henry Beard’s “Lingua Latinae Occasionibus Omnibus (Latin for All Occasions)”.

Learn such classic Latin phrases as, “Screw you and the horse you rode in on.”

Ah yes. Futue te ipsum et caballum tuum. I try to slip that one into casual conversation whenever possible. :smiley:

Esyay. Iway eakspay Atinlay.

Thanks! :slight_smile: But this site is giving them away for free. :smiley:

The Igpay dialect doesn’t count. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ego adsuesco percepium Latinum pro ludus altus… nam ego timeo quod Latinum mei magnus penuriosus. :slight_smile:

Hail Caesar and everything, sir!

you know what really stinks? I took Latin for two freaking years and I couldn’t figure this out on my own. Sheesh.

I was asking a friend of mine about it and he said he saw something similar (we think). Maybe there is a roving band of prep school thugs tagging up the joint.

About 15 years ago I went on retreat during Holy Week to a monastery in France, not far from Orange, near Avignon. It was a traditional monastery, where all of the offices and masses were in Latin according to the 1962 liturgical books. The monks spoke very little English, and my French was similarly limited. We managed to have reasonably comprehensible, if somewhat basic, conversations in Latin, which was the only language we really had in common.

Oh goodness, I can just see the hell of that.

“Sum… sum… goddammit, I need to go to the bathroom!”

I got lost once in Padova and had to ask directions from a priest. He spoke no English and my Italian was pathetic, so I tried Latin. It worked, and we managed to communicate, but the poor old guy stared at me as if I’d just stepped off of a spaceship.