Any dopers wanna start a Team Fortress clan?

Okay, I have a list started. Crimson, you can actually play a pyro? Hats off to you! Go ahead and send me an email if you are still, indeed, interested.

With this many people willing to do server-ing, you might as well figure out a schedule so one guy doesn’t get hammered w/ having to run it everyday or however often you plan on playing. Plus, those willing to server should check if your ISP has probs w/ running one. If they do you might get your bandwidth capped or your account canceled and you prolly don’t want that to happen.

By the way, pyro is a way easier class to play since the last update. The flamethrower does pretty decent damage (as opposed to nearly none before update) and the fire rocket launcher can be used to rocket jump w/ less damage than a soldier’s but w/ less height.

I’m in!!! (Sorry I’ve been out of the loop until today).
S~D FatElvis

Hey, good news! I’ll be buying the Halflife Platinum Pack tomorrow, so maybes I can get in on this action! I’ll be going as either S~D SPOOFE or S~D JMSPOOFE, depending on what mood I’m in.

Count me in! I’ve been a big fan of TF since the old QuakeWorld days. I’m pretty good and I can play just about any class reasonably well, but I’m best at Engineer, Medic, and Soldier. I almost never play HWGuy or Scout.

For several months last year I hosted a dedicated TFC server on my Linux box connected to AT&T’s Broadband cable modem service. The machine was only a Pentium 200 MMX, and it easily supported 10 simultaneous players. It was a very popular server, too (at least, all 10 slots were almost constantly full every night). Don’t believe the hype - you don’t need a 3 Ghz Pentium XVII with 2 terabytes of RAM to run a decent server. Even a low-end machine will do when you don’t burden it with a crappy operating system.

It looks like we have enough people to do dedicated server hosting, but if the need arises, I might be able to set it up again. It’d be a bit harder now that I run OpenBSD instead of Linux, but I think I can manage to get the Linux emulation working under OpenBSD.

Oh yeah - my TF name is Juan Tootreego (“Juan… too… tree… GO!”)

If you still want to play check here for details on where and when:

So far we haven’t been able to get more than 3 or 4 people to actually show up at any one time.