I’ve been having some major brain farts lately with losing track of stuff and forgetting little things, as well as not being able to focus as well. A friend suggested that I try ginko biloba, because evidently she’s had some success with it. I am not looking for medical advice, and I will consult my doctor before starting a supplement regimen. I’d just like to know if anyone has tried it and what types of results they have had.
I know that you are not a doctor, so thanks for any input.
All I want to add is that Ginko Biloba seems to be very pricey as an ingredient in herbal remedies. And I wonder why, because it’s just a tree. It’s for sale in every well-stocked tree nursery. There are streets lined with Ginkotrees on my block, and the leaves are piling up in heaps.
My sleep schedule is kind of a separate issue, I think of myself as a sleep bulemic, sometimes I will end up staying awake for hours on end (even days) and getting very little sleep, then some days I will just sleep all day to make up for it. This isn’t a new routine, but it probably has something to do with it.
I’m kind of wondering if it isn’t more of a placebo type thing.
I took it for 8 months or so. I can’t say if I felt any effect. Then I read that clinical tests failed to show any benefit. I don’t take it anymore.
My brother-in-law said he smoked pot and took ginko biloba; he said it came out even.
The male ginko tree (isn’t there another letter in there?) is touted as a great, pollution-resistant tree for the inner city. My college campus had a female ginko tree, and the fruits fell on the sidewalk. They stunk to high heaven. I wonder if the seeds are spread by vultures.