For those of you unaware of them, they are the North American Man-Boy Love Association. I don’t believe posting this link violates any board rules, as they are, as far as I can see, a strictly political organization. Mods, I invite you to look at the site and disable the link if you feel it necessary.
I am probably as much of an extremist in favor of free speech as you will find. Nazis want to march in Skokie, fine by me. Klan want to march in DC, ok. I won’t go. Want to publish a book on how to be a hit man. I think you have a right to do it, and I don’t think the author should be held responsible someone your techniques to kill someone else. I could be wrong.
I really have great difficulty supporting these freakaziods, who have organized wholly and exclusinvely to lobby for the right of adult males to have sex with underage males, or vice versa from their POV, regardless of their ages. They post “scientific evidence” that boys are not harmed by “consensual intergenerational experiences”. Their Prisoner Program “seeks to provide moral support to incarcerated boy-lovers. These people experience a harsh and exceptionally hostile environment which undermines their self-concepts and self-respect.” They complain that parental control internet filters prevent their political message from reaching children.
Please don’t mistake my discomfort as being about homosexuality. I support gay rights, I’ve had gay friends, though I don’t know or care whether any folks in my current community are gay or not. I am just totally disgusted by NAMBLA’s insistance that children of any age (boy children at least, somewhere on their site they claim some difference for girl children – I haven’t bothered to read it) should be free to “choose” a “consensual” sexual relationship with an adult.
Still I am, by my own standards, emabarassingly put in the position of defending their right to state their claims. And it creeps me out.
Anyone else willing too stand up and say so. If not, where does free speech end?