I’m not an EE, but I play one on TV.
Actually my boyfriend is an ex-EE and he took a look and told me what to type.
Metal-oxide semi conductor field effect transister, MOSFET. The first one is a N-channel MOSFET the second one is a P-channel MOSFET. On the second diagram, the circle indicates direction of subsaturation.
I, however, don’t know what the hell he’s talking about.
It looks like a mosfet, but since one of them has an “invert” circle on the input, they probably are “analog switch” or “bilateral switch” cmos devices like MC14016B. When the gate of an analog switch is high, then the top and bottom conductors are connected, and when the gate is low, they have high impedance. You can send either logic signals or analog signals through them when they are active. The “invert” circle would indicate that there is an inverter in series with the gate line, so that turns on when the gate is low instead of high.
Analog switches are much like solid state relays, but with several of them on one silicon die, and they can’t handle high volts or high current in the way a solid state relay can. They’re usually used for routing audio or video signals, directing current to capacitors as ramp generators, etc.
Thanks a bunch! I’m going to use exactly what your boyfriend said. That sounds right
**bbeaty, **
Good point. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that he group of transistors might have a special name. In the context that i’m using this, though, I’m just talking about them in the abstract.