Any Laws Limiting Stun-Gun Power?

      • On another board I frequent, a common topic of discussion is how to make stun-guns, mostly by people who can’t buy them for whatever reason. Comparisons with cattle prods get tossed around also, as do hare-brained schemes to dramatically boost “knock-down power”, mostly thought up by people with limited knoledge of basic electronics and who think at some point they will be able to shoot twenty-foot lightning bolts at people they don’t like. Sites that sell stun-guns, tasers and/or cattle prods often reveal the voltages and battery types used, but not the amperage… Which got me to thinking: aside from the obvious criminal and civil liabilities of charging up a 5000-volt 5000-uf capacitor and shocking somebody with it, are there any laws concerning limiting stun-gun power output? I have not ever heard of any (in the US).