My 3 year old daughter jumped up in my lap today and went nose-to-nose with me, giving me a silly grin. I asked her what she was doing. She said, “Playing with you!”. She was making a crazy face, and her eyes crossed (her right eye drew in toward her nose). All afternoon I noticed her doing it. I assumed she was impressed with her newfound talent and didn’t think a lot about it until my mom came over and kind of freaked out about it. My sister was born with “lazy eye” and wore a patch for years and required several surgeries, so mom got me good and worked up too. I called the doctor this afternoon, but he’s out already for the weekend. I scheduled an appointment for Monday morning, but in the meantime, I’m scared out of my wits. Is it possible for something like this to show up so late (my sister’s was diagnosed at birth)? Could it be a muscle strain that will eventually go away? If so, what should I do for her? For Pete’s sake, surely it’s not the one real case in the world where “keep making that face and it’ll stay that way” is true. I’ve noticed that when it’s worst, she will kind of put her hand in front of the eye (maybe trying to focus?). She hasn’t really complained of pain, but when I ask her if it hurts, she says it does a little - she says it feels like her eye “has a boo-boo”.
I hope to God I’m overreacting. My kids have really never been sick, so I’m not handling this with much finesse. Her eyes were perfect yesterday. Does anyone know what might be going on?