*My question is prompted by my still mourning Eudora, the original mail app which was warped into Thunderbird and retains essentially nothing about Eudora that made Eudora great, and Bento, the “Filemaker Light” database program for the non geeks and poor folks who can’t spring for Filemaker.
Developers create every kind of app, leading to dozens if not hundreds of options for things like image manipulation and creation, even though Adobe has been a colossus in that arena since the very beginning, offering things like Elements for the people who don’t need the monster package.
Or PDF readers: search on the app store returns 181 results. Or programs to assist with creating HTML and CSS. Or markdown programs.Or writing text, taking notes, reading the news, keeping the books, tweeting…what the fuck ever. Which is terrific, I totally support and desire a wide array of options for various tasks.
But for some reason I cannot wrap my head around, there are almost no options for handling email except except those created specifically for Gmail (which makes sense, given that the browser interface for Gmail is stunningly bad). When it comes to programs that can handle multiple email accounts, practically nothing, and certainly nothing that approaches the robust abilities and features of Eudora. Apple mail is shit. I’ve tried the few that seem to exist, and none has really impressed me. Given that e-mail is a pretty universal need, why do developers have so little interest in creating applications to deal with it? It’s not like there wouldn’t be a market.
Next is databases. In the same way that Photoshop rules the database world, so does Filemaker. But Adobe’s dominance doesn’t deter developers from making Yet Another App to Manipulate Images, so I can’t see why Filemaker’s would. And why FM itself killed Bento I will never understand.
The third category of app that goes begging for someone to care enough to build a better one is…shit, went out of my head. I’ll add when I remember, but a third category occurred to me.
So…can anyone explain why these categories are so UNDERdeveloped, so to speak?