There’s a massive amount of spam in GQ. Is there anyone up who can get rid of it.
Overnight spam tends to linger a bit. Other than e_c_g, the mods tend to have normal daytime hours. And it is the weekend.
Thanks to whoever nuked them!
150 posts the last time I looked. Is that a record?
I wonder what all that was about.
I wondered what it was all about too. I opened a few of them and there were no links or anything, just a bunch of random words and numbers.
What’s the purpose?
Excreta occurs.
We’ve had worse.
Random nonsense is usually an attempt to evade automatic spam filters. Often there will be complete posts of nonsense since some spam filters check to make sure a user has a certain number of posts that do not contain links before making a post that has a link.
Some of the numbers were international phone numbers, which was the point of the spam.
IIRC it’s a form of spamdexing.
Kudos to e_c_g for handling that. This is one time I was glad I was asleep. It reminded me of the bad old days when we used to get dozens of streaming spammers every single day. We haven’t had that kind of Spampocalypse recently.
Interestingly, it seems to have been limited to GQ. I’ve observed before that spammers preferentially hit GQ compared to other forums, even though at this point GQ only has the fourth-highest number of posts. Maybe it’s because GQ is the first large forum as you go down the forum list.
Could it be because there are more historical GQ threads than any other forum and thus a random Google search is most likely to find a GQ thread?
Whoever handled it, however it got done --------- basically taken care of in like 3-4 hours? Freaking amazing!
Voodoo I believe. Watch as the mods, having defied the powers-that-be, end up sprouting donkey ears and pig tails for their temerity.
Last night’s threads were all new ones, not posts to existing threads. And since they were by a “Muslim astrologer” about voodoo (which I didn’t know was Islamic), witchcraft, white and black magic, astrology, and so forth, I’m pretty sure they weren’t searching on specific factual information to determine where to put their threads. And previous attacks also went predominantly (but not exclusively) to GQ, even though they were spammers for streaming sports and movies, which would have been more suitable to Cafe Society or the Game Room. For some reason, spammers almost never post in the Pit.
e_c_g has banned more than 11,000 spammers (I’m sure a lot more, since sometimes a bunch of spammers are included in the same report), which is 8 times more than the next active mod (which is me). e_c_g passed Marley23 some time ago, who with 8,000 was the previous record holder.
They were all the same phone number!
To be fair, there probably is a ear of corn button that makes everything by the poster disappear at once.
Nah, to hold the record you have to ban the whole board. **E_c_g **never did…
Did anyone write it down? I have a neighbor that’s been annoying the shit out of me
So in short he (?) is the Babe Ruth of the Banhammer? I wonder if I can get him to autograph a meat cleaver for me?