Any movie with smart vs bestial werewolves? Any films with dumb non-cunning vampires?

Just curious. any horror films or shows ever run counter to type?

The majority of vampires on *Buffy *and *Angel *are pretty bestial, direct and simple-minded. There are exceptions, to be sure, but most Buffyverse vamps are basically tougher orcs.

The recent Underworld: Rise of the Lycans featured smart werewolves as slaves of vampires but another race of bestial werewolves as well.

In John Carpenter’s Vampires the majority of the vampires seemed to be just above your average zombie in intelligence. And Paul Rubens’ Amilyn in the original Buffy The Vampire Slayer was pretty darn stupid as well. Ditto most of The Lost Boys and the vampire Goombas in Innocent Blood.

In Underworld 3, it is shown that most werewolves (lycans) are direct and simple, until Lucian (?), or whatever the main character’s name, who was cunning and able to change between wolf and human forms (and he also bedded the lead female vampire).

In 30 Days of Night, the Vamps didn’t seem any smarter than people. They were brutally unsubtle, viciously direct in their hunger. The humans were shown/seemed to be more cunning, which I suppose is only reasonable of weaker prey.

In the book *I am Legend *and the movie The Last Man on Earth the vampires are shown to be little better than zombies. The explaination comes at the end and ties in the title of the book. Something the writers of the Will Smith movie chose to ignore.

ETA: In case it was not clear by my post and you are not aware, The Last Man on Earth was a low budget Vincent Price movie based on the book I Am Legend. It followed the plot of the book much more closely than either *I Am Legend *with Will Smith or The Omega Man with Charlton Heston, the other two movies based on the book. The monsters in both of the other movies were not vampires so don’t qualify for the OP.

The vampires in From Dusk Tis Dawn weren’t the brightest, but then again none of the characters in that movie were.