Growing up in the country by the lake as a kid, every home and cottage in the neighborhood had an outhouse. Most were relics from the pre-plumbing days, but a few of the smaller cottages still got by without an indoor toilet. But most folks just used them as auxiliary off-loading places when there were extra visitors, like on Labor Day weekend. And we neighborhood kids found it convenient to duck into the nearest one to answer nature’s call, when rambling around the countryside.
We actually had two outhouses on our property, in addition to a genuine flush toilet inside! Such luxury, no waiting!
But over time, most of these were cleared away. A recent walking survey turned up only 3 biffies within a half-mile radius. One of them actually used to be ours, but we gave it to a cousin who wanted it out in his field, so he didn’t have to slog home to answer nature’s call. (Our old one got destroyed by vandals, damn them!)
How many used to be in your neighborhood? How many are in your neighborhood now?