Any 'Peep Show' Fans?

I finished the entire series a while ago, but keep coming back to it. One of the most brilliant shows on television i think.

What did the Dope think of it?

Watching Spaced for the umpteenth time now, switching to Peep Show after.

I don’t remember it at all, but I believe I liked it.

It was fuckin great! But i dont really need to see it again. Unlike spaced. Which I can watch 30,596 more times.

One of the few TV series I followed in the last decade (or decade and a half almost now, I guess). Great stuff.

One of my top 5 sitcoms of all time! I think I’ve watched it about 4 times through. It did get a little long in the tooth at the end but man, what an amazing little show!!

The last couple of seasons were terrible, but the start was brilliant.

Completely great.

I’m sure its brilliance will be acknowledged by future historians of mis-matched dysfunctional young men living together TV shows as the best and last word on the subject.

I’m in agreement with most of the posters above. Great show, especially earlier seasons.

I also really enjoyed their sketch comedy shows.

Whenever I manage to avoid seeing someone that I don’t want to talk to, I think to myself “Blitzkrieg! I’m in the Ardenne!”

The beginning of This clip from season 1 is literally me doing grocery shopping, every time. I love it!

Wonderful show. I have not watched every season yet though – or “series” in Britspeak.

Peep Show is great, but this thread reminds me that BBC America used to show it and a bunch of other superb UK comedies.

And now all they show is freakin’ Star Trek.
