Any Russian Speaking SD'ers Out There? (Help!)

I need to perform a search for the Russian medication known as “Tardil”. I have been told it is a “two stage sleeping pill”. I managed to locate a Russian pharmacological search engine but I do not speak Russian. Here is the URL for the site:

Would one of you be so kind as to do a search and post the results here or email them to me? I would be very grateful as this is an urgent situation.

Any assistance is good for a recipe or menu planning of your choice. Tasty music CD compilations could also be mailed, your pick.

Thank you,


Sorry Chris. I tried the query a few different ways and came up with nothing. Tardil sounds like a trade name. Do you know the generic name of the product? If you can tell me that then we can take another look using that as the query. c

Seems to me it would come up even on Google in other languages besides Russian. I got one site in Slovak (I believe) but everything else came up as typos in French or Italian.

Thank you both for trying. If there’s a recipe of any kind you need, just let me know. I really appreciate your efforts. I’ve been hitting a brick wall everywhere I go on this one. Vot a pisser!

The spelling Tardyl brings up some Hungarian sites that appear to have pharmaceutical information if that’s of any help.

No luck on Tardil. Tried BUBL, MedicinePlus, Hardin MD, MedicineNet. Not even a close hit.

How about any of the health-related Dopers? Can you get through to Quadgop, or Jill?

Sorry, man.

Is this info what you’re looking for? If not it might be a starting point:

FortMarcy, you win the prize!

Thank you so much, the combination sounds exactly like what is being mentioned. I cannot thank you enough. Please take your pick of a recipe, menu planning or a music CD. I’ll be overseas for a few weeks but I’ll be happy to send you something nice for your efforts.

Again, thank you.

Please email me Fort Marcy.