I’ve been introduced to the concept of structured keywords and it’s very exciting…but a little daunting as well. The daunting part is the “synonym/sibling” thing…
I’m really trying very hard to get my photo archive set up as a searchable database, and my dream is to make it hyper-searchable, right down to the smallest detail. Photo Mechanic is brilliantly designed to do this and it has an amazing system for applying keywords and doing it via a structured setup… but I’m just getting a bit lost.
So… anyone really hip to this care to volunteer for a conversation?
I am not hip (i.e. I can see over my pelvis), but I have started using structured keywords on my photo database. I do need to refactor some of the categories, and I still struggle with some relationships - how do I classify my stepchildren, for a start. We don’t share a surname, but they are part of the family. More difficult, how do I classify their partners in a way that indicates a relationship but they don’t have a shared name…
It is still a work in progress - you cannot cover all bases and sometimes you just have to go back and rework stuff - this is where a good editor is essential. I can filter back to all the keywords I want to change, and then update them all to the new tag. But I like being able to find all photos that include my daughter, or all our 2005 holiday snaps, or all the tree photos.