I was just reading a thread and noticed that right under Q.E.D.'s user name were the letters SDSAB. I was going to ask what they meant,but someone beat me to it.
Q.E.D. said that he thought Dex or Ed put it under all SDSAB members user names.
So what does it mean (STRAIGHT DOPE something,obviously) and who else has it?
It means Straight Dope Science Advisory Board. It’s the group of us, like me, who contibute to the Straight Dope Staff Reports. There’s few dozen of us who contribute on a more or less regular basis, and we’re always looking for fresh mea…errr, new talent.
If you’ve got an area of expertise you’d like to answer questions about, then email C K Dexter Haven, and you, too, can be one of us!
The moderators and administrators are also ex officio members of the SDSAB, but the other title takes precendence.
Except for one case, it seems. Alphagene not only appears in both “groups,” he also has the title “Straight Dope Science Advisory Board” rather than the mere initials. So actually there are currently only 18 non-moderator members of the SDSAB.
nikjohns (please change your name,you’re driving me mental) and Una :
After the list of mods/admins (for me) comes the list of charter members.I can only assume you mean the list of SDSABs comes after that. Unfortunately,the charter member list will only take me as far as CU before it hits me with the THIS PAGE IS TOO BIG TO BE SHOWN COMPLETELY notice. It probably has to do with webtv.
I’d volunteer to be the math person on the SDSAB, except Orbifold would probably be the best choice, and ultrafilter would also be better suited than me to answer most math questions. And Kimstu is the resident expert on the history of mathematics.
I’m not really a scientist, so I don’t think I qualify, though I do have a fairly good grasp of paleoanthropology and linguistics (though both of those, in one way or another, are not exactly ‘science’). I am a programmer, but my expertise lies mainly away from the sorts of PC based questions people usually ask here.
Are there Advisory Boards in other disciplines? Is there a P.G. Wodehouse/ Douglas Adams/ Monty Python/ English Humor Criticism And Analysis Advisory Board?