Anybody hear from Alphagene?

Well? Have you?

Not I.

Poor guy. His job has to just suck right now.

I was thinking about him this afternoon. I hope he’s okay.

I heard, from a phone conversation with another Doper, that Alphagene is quite busy lately. From what I understand (and this is all hearsay, mind you) he’s physically ok, but his job is stressful right now, to say the least.

That’s utterly believeable hearsay, Crunchy.

Yeah, real busy, I assume. :frowning: Thanks. Just wondering if anyone’s talked to him and if they could pass along our love and appreciation.

And for the life of me, I don’t remember who I was talking to, it was either hardygrrl or TruePisces. I’m thinking it was TruePisces, who lives in NYC herself.

What is it that Alpha does, anyway?

His new job is at the NY Coroner’s office.

It has now replaced Assistant Crack Whore as the world’s worst job.

I hope he can get away after this. I wish we could help…:frowning:

Aw, crap. Poor guy. Anybody have any ideas on what we can do to make his life better?

IIRC, the 11th was his second day on the job. My heart aches for him.