Anyone bicycled across their country ?

A family I know has had a great experience, and I thought I’d share. The daughters have been biking across the United States all summer with their aunt and cousin. The aunt and cousin have diabetes, and the ride was done to raise awareness and funds for research.

The blogs posted up along the way are lovely to read, and the photos amusing and heartwarming. With such awful violent negative news all around us, here is a family with only one adult along, who travelled from ocean to ocean experiencing the upside of the country. Good kind people, safe travels, incredible sights.

Well worth the read. :slight_smile:

The Trip

Has anyone bicycled across their respective country, and what are the most long-lasting memories and impressions? I have never done something like this.


Never done it, but often dreamed of biking across Europe. A few years back I met a couple of Swiss girls who were doing it (biking, you pervs!), and it sounded like a lot of fun (though stressful). They were camping along the way too. Imagine carrying all the gear necessary. Quite a workout!

On that note, here’s a very interesting read: Miles from Nowhere: A Round the World Bicycle Adventure, about a couple who quit their jobs and spent several years biking around the world. Inspiring. Unfortunately the author died after her return home, when a car collided with her bike (hope I’m remembering that correctly).

I’ll keep an eye on the blog!

Andorrans, Luxemburgers, and Liechtensteiners stay out. :smiley:

My sister (USA citizen) biked across Canada (Vancouver to Halifax)


… and she made it all the way to the border in Halifax, and was told to bike back to Vancouver because she’d forgotten to have her Exit Transport Manifest for the bike stamped. :smiley:

I rode from Canada to southern California once (long ago). Awesome trip.

Good point. How long a distance does it have to be to count? I’ve bicycled across more than half of my country in east-west direction, and it took less than a day. To do it in north-south direction would take weeks.

We biked the whole Belgian coast from the French to Dutch border one day. Got rained on in Westerkerk and had lunch in Oostende. So I’ll just. . . shut up.

One of my cousins (incidently, one of the two that grew up outside of Canada, although he was born here) biked from BC to here a couple years ago. I know he made a few stops along the way, to visit friends and family, and to work odd jobs for cash. It took him about three months I think. He had a heck of a tan when he got here :wink:

The coast to coast bike trail across northern England is very popular (W-E), as is the route from Lands End to John O’Groats (S-N) (although I’ve never done it).